Extinction Map pack II

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Obibital, May 30, 2009.

  1. Obibital

    Obibital Ancient
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    Extinction Map Pack
    Version II


    Hello once again fellow infection players. this is obibital and i have finally finished the second Map pack for Extinction! YAY!![​IMG]

    Extinction rank system





    The extinction game variant is a hardcore zombie game for the serious gamers. its no walk in the park, if you want a chance at making it to the end of this journy then you better stock up on some ammo and watch your back because those zombies come from EVERYWHERE. if you are a casual infection player then please refrain from looking at the following post.

    First off i shall name off the maps and put the Links


    A well tuned fast game for every player, all of the quick turns and high points for zombies makes you run with someone in back of you to get killed first.

    Extinction Rank

    Do you really need a reason for the name? ok fine, the map is a long race to the final building, staying in the first few is difficult so run along. the long alley ends in a armoury truck, but if the zombies blow it up your dead.

    Extinction Rank

    The most brutal map ever devised for this infection gametype. the gruling waits for the elevator to arrive and to wait for the debries to clear. the amount of zombies and open area for the first 30-40 seconds will remove any of your weak links to feed the horde.
    can you survive this?

    Extinction Ranks

    The mixture between Manifest and Left 4 Dead, WATCH YOUR BACK.

    Player Stats

    Damage Resistance-200%
    Sheild Multiplyer-No Sheilds
    Sheild Recharge-No
    Sheild Vampirism-Unchanged
    Immune To Headshots-Unchanged
    Weapon-Energy Sword
    Sensors-10 meter, Normal
    Forced color-Zombie

    Damage Resistance-200%
    Sheild Multiplyer-3x
    Sheild Recharge-No
    Sheild Vampirism-Unchanged
    Immune To Headshots-Unchanged
    Sensors-10 meter, Normal
    Forced color-None

    Time limit-5 minutes



    This map was made a while ago but it was also made very well, probibily the most asethetic map.

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    The beggining of the game, dont stay, theres alot of entrances​

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    the ally is a quick dash for the apartment building​

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    heres a quick peek to the Apartment building​

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    Once through the building you must jump through the broken wall​

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    this is just like a cenimatic event, for the win lololol. use a grenade from inside to set off the explosion to blow down that door!!!​

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    Just dont stand in front of the building when you do... highly explosive. that hog can do some damage adn losing health like that can spell death in the game.​

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    get through the door to the last stand room. hold out for the rest of the game, use the window in front to defend, but alas there are more entrances.​

  2. Obibital

    Obibital Ancient
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    Marathon is one of the begginer extinction maps, along with that i can support alot of people. its a fun game and has alot of interesting aspects of choice and it tells its own little story.

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    The start of the game, get in quick!​

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    once your in this building break the barricade to escape to the ally!​

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    Exit to the ally, the zombies pour in if you stay to long so go.​

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    either go to the next building and hurry to the last house... or, go to the truck and get some W3ap0n5.​

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    The truck is explosive so dont camp or stay long, because if a zombie sets this off your sheilds are history.​

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    heres the entrance to the last room, well the room to enter the last room. you need to defened the one that is going to blow open the door with some explosives found around the factory.​

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    Heres the only peek you get for the last room, secret!!​

  3. Obibital

    Obibital Ancient
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    Restless, like said before is the most grueling adn difficult map made for extinction. the rain of zombies causes a rush of red water filling the eyes of its victums.....

    asaide from horror its very fun! ​

    You begin here, but your at a disadvantage being basically in a pit. so get your weapons and get out.​

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    The lot is a dangerous area to be, the zombies come from every location and all of those are very high up. youll get assasinated if your not careful! get in the building ASAP unless you want to risk death looking for ammo.​

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    Also look out for the hornet, if your in the wrong place at the wrong time, well... lets just say its not pleasant...​

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    Get in the building ASAP!!! once in defened yourselfs while looking for weapons, once the elevator activates get in and get out!​

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    Look out above, there are alot of holes in the ceilings!​

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    This is the activated elevator, go in and you go up to the top floor.​

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    as you can see, you cannot get killed as you get up.​

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    defend your self until the debrie clears to enter the last room.​

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    heres the debrie pile, yay!
    last room like all other rooms, are secret you wont know until you get there.​


    1. Dont stay in one place, your death is garenteed.
    2. Dont throw away your only gun for a sword.
    3. Dont use a sword against zombies, you die.
    4. Move quickly but pay attention, in other words, watch the radar!
    5. when moving through the map, check for weapons
    6. AND DONT be a weapon hogger, share them or it may cost you YOUR LIFE!
    7. Also stock up on firebombs for the Tank, or in otherwords, the powerful Gravity hammer wielding zombie.
    Thanks to everyone that help out with testing!


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    Whats that Last Man Standing AD doing there?​
  4. slipknot83

    slipknot83 Ancient
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    Sweet! Awesome idea! I like the difficulty ideas and the maps are all sweet. Nice gametype, it reminds me of manifest. I'm looking forward to more extinction maps in the future.
  5. nitrotomato

    nitrotomato Ancient
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    These maps all look amazingly well forged and look like they could lend themselves to some extremely fun gameplay. I like the idea of different difficulties; whilst it has been done, it is still a very unique and difficult idea to implement. My personal favourite is the 1st map - no doubt we'll be playing them during our next Brain Feasts next week!
  6. Obibital

    Obibital Ancient
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    well tanks nitro, im glad you like it. industry would have to be a favored map out of the second map pack. everyone enjoys it. marathon is a good map for begginers though. it seems to be easyer. the third map pack is on its way so look out!
  7. Xicemike

    Xicemike Ancient
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    You must of put alot of work into the maps as well as displaying them, good job. Industry looks the best.
  8. 0 JEFF 0

    0 JEFF 0 Ancient
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    Wow sweet all of the maps look like they could be alot of fun, out of curiosity how long did it take you to make all of these maps?
  9. Obibital

    Obibital Ancient
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    well honestly it took about... 3-4 weeks. i wasnt constantly forgeing but thats the approximation. alot of time was used making different layouts for the map to work out. glad you like them. someone apperently didnt after looking at it for .75 seconds, and voted it 1-2 stars, thats why its at a three.when you play these maps right. there crazy fun!

    Senior Member

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    the foundry map looks very good i like that you interlock your objects and i think geo-merge some off them maybe there are too much barrier, what i personally dont like.to your sandbox map you know how to interlock you you dont spend more time to interlock your objects on that map, too. the layout is on both good.so overall i like it.
  11. Obibital

    Obibital Ancient
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    thanks, but that was a little difficult to read...

    anyway i know that i didnt interlock too much on Restless, but i wanted to finish this pack so it could be shown to the gamers. the next map pack is under construction, hope you guys will like it
  12. De Wy El Ay En

    De Wy El Ay En Ancient
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    Holy jeeze! thats a big post. these maps are lots of fun and they all work very well. the maps deserve a little more recognition that there getting. at least nitro is playing them with the zombies inc. group. good job Obi.
  13. Obibital

    Obibital Ancient
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    thanks dylan, (kinda a late response for me,) im glad you like them, there are people that like the games that you need to work together and think in. the newer maps are already under construction and im sure you will love them. also i will be putting some videos in the post, soon enough so that people can see what to expect.
  14. jakob hunter

    jakob hunter Ancient
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    wow these maps look really good i like industry and marathon the best the hole idea is one that i have been trying to shove into peoples heads for a long time now they are all made really well and look like they play really good 5/5 great work
  15. slipknot83

    slipknot83 Ancient
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    I think you should make it alot harder to camp. Everyone always camps in the spawn and its not fun at all I think you should make alot of openings for the zombies to get in to the spawn room.
  16. Obibital

    Obibital Ancient
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    Can you be more specific? in industry there are several entrances, two on the roof and one in front. marathon is just mostly open and the first building has several entrances. the only problem i could see would be on Restless because of the long fall time you can be shot in the head. im not sure, which map do you have a problem with?
  17. lightsin017

    lightsin017 Ancient
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    Obito u did a really good job on this map pack i like it alot i played 2 of them already i just need to play the last one but i like it alot good job 5/5
  18. Obibital

    Obibital Ancient
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    Thanks, (lol Naruto refrence)
    i still cant belive this got revived after 2 months
    horray for good karma!
    Also im not dead (as you can see)
    and i am working on a new map currently, fans of the 'Point A to Point B' game Function will get a kick out of it.
    There will also be an awesome video for it to Debunk anyone who think it will be stupid.

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