Hey, make sure you give a breif description of the map and what you're supposed to do. Your map will be locked by a mod withing 24 hours if you don't fix it. Oh, and make sure you ask a mod to close your other thread, people here don't like it when you double post the same map. And I just noticed you don't even have a download link. You'll definetly be needing that. Everyone else, unless you're going to comment on his map or add anything else I missed, please don't comment.
i don't really understand what is going on here you might want to add a description/weapons list/compatible gametypes so people understand. This map looks pretty small, and whoever gets that rocket launcher is going to dominate, especially in 1v1 games. And is that the skull? edit: sorry for repeating what rifte said, we posted at the same time.
Learn how to resize your pics also. I actually had to search for where you type your comment. And yes as stated above get a mod to lock your first post and get this post up to standards which means putting a link to your map on bungie.net
Well you double posted...Which is not good... You got some more screenshots i see... Although a description on the map and each screenshot would be nice. Also, instead of posting this map again... Just click the EDIT button on your post...
There are two screenshots that are repeated. Also u need a few more to give us a good idea of this map.
yah, from the pictures i cant really get anything besides the rocket hall, how much ammo does it have? is there only 2 ways in? how big is the map? those questions should be answered from the first pictures. it looks a little messy too, but i get the concept of the map.
please someone teach how to post right because i just joined forge hub and everyone iz giving me ****