Archaic Created by HezbollaHector and Goatnuts420 Recommended Players: 6-8 Recommended Gametypes: MLG Slayer, King of the Hill, and Sky Ball A synergist is a muscle which helps the primary muscle to function properly. They act to stabilize every motion that our primary muscle undergoes, especially in delicate tasks. Think about every time you twitch your thumb to perfect that four-shot or send a .50 caliber round straight to your opponent’s head. Your body is using its synergists to control your movements. Just as your body’s synergists perfect every movement, Archaic perfects the player. Every decision the player makes is put in check by the map itself. To act, but not over re-act and help the player to do his primary duty: terminate the opposition. Archaic itself is a wonderful map for competitive gamers. It stacks two rings with plenty of ramps, lifts, and quick-jumps and its asymmetrical layout has great lines of sight and cover with the standard MLG weapon layout. Archaic is best played with the attached MLG gametypes, King of the Hill and Sky ball with teams of three to four players. Click, download, and be synergized. Write-up by rusty eagle Download Archaic v2 Download MLG King v6 Download MLG Sky Ball Original FH Thread If you have any thoughts on this article, or the front page in general, that you would like to share with us then we invite you to post your opinions in the Front Page Feedback thread.
This map is loads of fun, no real surprise here. Flawless forging, a very unique style, and great gameplay to follow up. Congrats Hector for your first feature, and goatnuts for premium. Not many casual section features coming lately, has there been? Oh well this definitely deserved it. EDIT: Yyyaayy first
I am extremely happy that this map was featured. However, I was waiting for v2 to get it . I had many, many forge/walk throughs on this map, mainly because I love the layout. Sandbox maps tend to lack originality, especially in the sky bubble. I first played it in my last TGIF. The gameplay was spectacular, and I felt right at home. Welcome to Premium, goats. And grats hector.
Grats on premuim goat.I love playing on this map it is a heck load of fun and goes great with all gametypes.No suprise everyone loves this map.Great job to the creators.
Congratulations HezbollaHector and Goatnuts420 on an amazing map that was truly deserving of a feature! Exciting gameplay and beautiful aesthetics, good job guys.
Played it a few times before with the makers. Enjoyed it very much. It definately isn't you typical 4 base MLG map. It's actually the first asymmetric MLG map I truy enjoyed besides the official ones already in the pro circut. One problem I did have was call-outs. But I'm still reviewing some and trying to remember them correctly. Other than thats gratz to the both of you. bbbbbbyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeee
I was looking at this map with Whats a Scope. It looks pretty sweet, although i don't like how you have to jump from the second floor to the first to get the OS
I've heard so much about this map and yet this is the first time I have seen it. The forging looks really clean and looks like the utmost time and effort was put into it's creation. Also in the OP, Sky Ball is recommended as a gametype, what may I ask is it and where can I download it? I'll be downloading the map and checking it out tonight, I'm not so much into MLG, but I'm sure I'll have some fun on this map.
I think Hez and Goat are pretty cool guys. They get featured and doesn't afraid of anything. On a more serious note, this map grapes face.
I really admire these types of maps. MLG maps that have a layout that is suitable for both TS and FFA which contains multiple pathways and more than one floor. There is no doubt that Archaic deserved a feature. Congrats guys!
All of the download links to the map and game type are at the bottom of the post. Or you can find them below this sentence. You're welcome buddy. =p Download Archaic 1.1 Download MLG King v6 Download MLG Sky Ball There are only two maps in the entire MLG forum section that I can say that I enjoy playing on and Archaic is one of those two maps. I particularly don't enjoy MLG maps and MLG in general and it means a lot to me, to truly say that I can enjoy an MLG map. I don't know how I can say that but there is something about this map, a certain vibe, that just keeps me entertained when playing a game on here. I never found anything I didn't like in this map, the gameplay was enjoyable, the aesthetics are clean and look great, the architecture and layout is definitely original and out of the ordinary. I can truly agree with everyone here that Archaic truly deserves a feature. And Congrats to both of you two fine men on creating such a wonderful map that truly deserved a feature.
This is an amazing map, the interlocking is nice, the gameplay is even better. I love how you used MLG weapons layouts. Altogether this map is awesome ***10/10***
Agreed. And I believe they're currently working on a V2 with colored markers on the map to help callouts. But this is easily my favorite forged MLG map. I've really gone through and looked at every last piece of geometry, and you've done a great job utilizing your budget (more so in the V2 I've heard about). The layout screams originality, while keeping the layout highly competitive. I only wish that there could have been a standard version to go along with the MLG version, but the strict budget may make that an impossibility. Overall though I love playing on this map and it's one of the very few maps that I can guarantee will stay on many people's hard drives. Congratulations!
glad to see this get featured, i've been a fan for a long time. Hector and G-nuts are both excellent at forge and this map truely shines in that aspect. congrats on the feature dudes
I actually haven't seen this before. I'm surprised: I usually see the maps before they are featured. Anywho, this looks really cool, and I'm glad to see something Asymmetric featured. Congrats on Premium!
WOW!!!!!!! I can't beleive that I know these guys! I used to be a part of a website that gutnuts was at. Any way, The map was awsome then, and still is now.It was made to be fast paced and intense.
Thats correct but v2 also features a ramp at rockets similar to the one at sniper. Thanks so much for the feature and all the good comments guys! I was bummed that Lateralus didnt get featured a few months ago but having this featured is a thousand times better.
I've played about 5 or 6 FFA's on this map and it's one of the best out there. I am still looking to play some team games on it. Ive noticed that the middle isn't used too often beside jumping to the middle for OS. If you are looking for some constructive criticism, that's the only thing I'd point out. The screenshots don't do this map justice, you really need to play it to get a feel for it. Very, very Halo CE-esque.