I downloaded this map and gameplay wise, it is really fun, The layout is great, and it's a perfect size. Although despite what people have been saying, you can break out of the map. Other than that, the map has to be pefect.
Looks like a pretty cool map, I like how some of the different elevations make the map look bigger then it already is. Both bases look the same, I'd just add a weapon list if I were you, gives people more of the MLG feel.
MLG Riot V2 is now live. I updated the download link to the V2 link. Enjoy. Changes include: - new spots to fall to your death. Don't worry they're really easy to detect and for the most part will only be used purposefully. You will rarely fall off on accident - two maulers added -top peice changed to have a better flow -bases have more cover -there is now a jump-up in each corner and in the corner peice located at the back of each base. -Now supports every MLG objective. -Numerous other fixes to neaten things up -Other Misc. updates Weapon list: 6 frags, 2 plasmas, 2 maulers, 2 carbines, and 4 BRs. All with MLG settings. How'd y'all like the new version?