There is this map I know that MLG pros use to warm up, its a giant dome with nothing inside of it. I've been looking through for ages and i still can't find it. Can anyone give me this map?
Do you seriously believe that MLG Pros warm up in a special map before playing a proper game like footballers do warm up exercises on the pitch before they? What good would 'warming up' in an empty map do any way?
I believe they warm up, just to get in the zone. On a real map though. Anyway hold on a second, search for dome canvas on forgehub and see if anything comes up, if I find it I'll post a link. Edit: Found it! By Nathan Green, Build-a-Dome
There's tons of them. A famous map would have to be Octogan, Snip3Down held a competition to see who could beat him in a 1v1. I thik it might be up on his FS.
there accually is a dome, its huge. Visitor Message ryan, and see if he will put it on his fileshare for you.