what do you want to see in l4d2?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by SRC48, Jun 5, 2009.

  1. SRC48

    SRC48 Ancient
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    i thought it was pretty fun...
  2. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    I did as well. It was a relatively huge success for a new IP.
  3. CaMOfo

    CaMOfo Ancient
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    Just because you added the little moron comment I'll come back and converse with your simple mind. You're seriously a ****ing moron for saying they have little employees so they can't make a Campaign and Multiplayer. News flash you dimwit Valve actually has more employees then Bungie, around ten to twenty more.

    More then most gaming actually get there families and friends to test out the games before it's let out to the public, you didn't know that because you like talking out your ass. Take the almighty Blizzard for example.

    Why can't the just have a beacon or something? Why a red, metal door on every single room that you need to get to. Why can't they get on a train or get to a car? But no, they need to keep going to this red door on the side of a bathroom. Creativity Fail in... 3... 2... 1...

    And yes you are finally right on something, I did go through the motions so much that I haven't noticed the different scenery. The game gets boring and repetitive if you're not playing with talkative friends. Halo you can jump in and have a great time playing with randoms, Left 4 Dead you can not.

    Exactly all game do it exclusively making the game more interesting, therefore a lot more playability. Left 4 Dead is Safe House to Safe House, Safe House to Safe House. I would be happy with maybe different cutscenes after getting to a Safe House, I just need them to switch it up a bit.

    I'll end this just as rude as you have. Telrad is a ****ing dumb **** and doesn't get accurate facts to back up the absolute nonsense he blurts out.
  4. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    Camofo, I fail to see how adding a full length campaign would solve the replayability problem.

    Red Metal door is fine. Changing up the aesthetics of a room you spend 5-10 seconds in won't make as big of a difference you're making it out to have.

    I'm not really arguing with you, you just seem to be contradicting yourself in some parts.
  5. CaMOfo

    CaMOfo Ancient
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    The more variety of scenery and Objective points the funnier it'll become because you won't see the same thing over and over again, it'll be new every time.

    I started off saying I would like a more lengthier, more beefed up campaign. Then I get bombarded with ignorance and I have to keep coming back and defending myself. The title clearly says "WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE TO SEE IN LEFT 4 DEAD 2?" I said what I would like to see. Everyone needs to hop off.
  6. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    While changing up saferooms will make a difference, it won't be for long. Players will eventually choose a favorite map and stick with it for the most part. The experience won't differ and they'll be able to name the safehouse backdrops in succession with ease. It'll also be bad for newcomers to the game. They won't know what to be expecting, but in a bad way. They may be getting a sort of high of the intense action that's going on, and without warning they go into a room, close the door, and the next chapter starts loading. It can really give people that "Bummer!" feeling.

    When you said you wanted a full length campaign I said that I felt it wasn't remiscent of L4D, because that's not what L4D1 was all about. I was simply stating how I felt on that feature, and hope that you don't think I was attacking you.
  7. SRC48

    SRC48 Ancient
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    if the zombie apocolypse happened, an official "safe room" would probably have certain necesseties such as a heavy door like the ones in the game. It would make the rooms easier to find and harder for zombies to get into. so it isn't all that unrealistic.

    ontopic: i've been reading over the ideas, i like the one about controlling "The horde" as an rts style or maybe third person style character. that would be interesting
  8. CaMOfo

    CaMOfo Ancient
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    I understand where you are coming from, but I would like to see variety in the Campaign. Enough to say that THIS is Campaign and THAT is Multiplayer.

    And I knew you weren't attacking me, but when Telrad joined in on it and started to blurt out nonsense that wasn't even close to the truth, I reacted. I respect you and your opinions, **** Telrad and his ignorance.
  9. Zendarrun

    Zendarrun Ancient
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    You're all going about this wrong.
    Left4Dead needed more play modes.

    There needs to be more ways to get from point A to point B (so that we dont have to worry about something like the Dumpster glitch).
    There needs to also be more maps. The original only failed in the way of having to few maps.

    There needs to be more stuff. thats all. A campaign would be fine. Although there was already 4 of them.
  10. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    I really, really don't get it with this sense of entitlement gamers seem to have with Left 4 Dead. First it was extreme joy that they are making a sequel to a very popular and well selling game (a game, I might add, that almost no one knew about until weeks before it's release). However, that quickly drained and ever since idiocy has seemed to plague the fanbase. First there was a petition, demanding that L4D2 be either FREE or not as expensive for those that bought the first game. Then there was the general air that this game was a money grab. Well let me set things straight, if there was ANY game company that I know of who could consistently create great games in support of their fans, with the thoughts of the gamers first, it's Valve.

    Because this is how it is kiddies, incase you have all forgotten, but Valve released FREE DLC include two new campaign modes for versus, a new game mode, and 16 additional maps to play with said game mode. Free. Need I remind you all about the Halo Wars or Resident Evil 5 DLC that cost $10? Valve did that for free, and provided more content than expected. Some may argue that "it was an uncompleted game". I can name many more games witht he full $60 price tag that felt uncompleted. The fact of the matter remains is that you got free DLC from Valve. That alone should be a good indicator that Left 4 Dead 2 is no money grab.

    Second is, what is being done to Left 4 Dead 2 goes beyond a simple update. Changes to the actual engine are being made, big ones. The AI Director (the number one technological feature for Left 4 Dead) has gotten a tune up, change more than just enemies and weapon caches. Geometry of the game itself, reportedly weather and time of day are also now controlled by a players "stress levels" calculated by the AI Director. You also have new weapons, lots of new weapons apparently. Besides melee weapons you now have additional pistols, and other modifications of currently existing weapons. Valve themselves said in an interview that these are not just reskins, but a wider arange of weaponry so as to broaden the range of "tools" to match a players style. There are also 2 new special infected, as well as unique zombies to each enviorenment. And this is going off what they so far revealed. Trust me, this is a game well deserving of the $60 price tag.

    But going back to the subject of "entitlement" players seem to have, Valve has a history of doing things for the players. Hell, many of their current staff, and games, were in fact modders/moderations of existing games they had using the Source engine. These guys play games just like they make them. Between the free DLC for L4D and the updates to Team Fortress 2, it is hard to say that they ignored the pleas of their fans. So why is that when they decide to make a game for themselves, this decision to make a second L4D, and not for the players, that people immediately jump on their ass for it. "What happened to us Valve, huh? You forgettin about us?! We made you!" That's almost as bad as a girlfriend who has been cheating on you for months getting on your ass for going to the strip bar with your friends after you found out she was cheating. It's selfish, and sometimes the game doesn't have to be all about you. Valve is a business as well, and L4D was a huge success, so it only makes sense to create a sequel. Not to mention many fans were begging for a second one anyway. So to anyone who thinks that this is all a money grab, and that Valve doesn't have the gamers in mind, shut the **** up.

    With all that said, changes in the 2nd game need to be more than simple reskins. Things such as the "red safehouse door" really aren't a concern, not to mention I have no issue with them being that way. I do agree that a more focused campaign with more cutscenes and potential story would be a great addition. As for the get from point A to point B deal, it is a tough one. You fight hordes of zombies, check. You hold down locations before being allowed to proceed, check. What else can you do that won't ruin the game? Puzzles would ruin it, treking back and forth would as well. It would be senseless to add boss battles because we already have the special infected, not to mention it wouldn't make much sense to have something bigger than a tank. Maybe a zombie infested helicopter? Well, might be fun but at the same time "how the **** are zombies piloting a helicopter?" Really, I am all for a change there, but in the end there is only so much youc an do. As for gametypes, there is a versus, a campaign, and a survival mode. What's next, capture the flag? Really, there isn't much variation to be had their too without ruining the game. No, I think Valve is on the right track here, changing things such as the AI director, zombies, ammo, guns, etc. Changing the basic mechanics of the game, the core of the fun and action, not by creating new and unnecessary gametypes and objectives.
  11. aMoeba

    aMoeba Ancient
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    I want to see Left 4 Dead 2 renamed to "Left 2 Die" (or something better, my friends and I actually made fun [before left 4 dead came out] and we smirked at the idea of a 'left 4 dead 2'). Main thing I want to see happen, though, is just add it as a huge patch to the first one. Or make a marketplace game. There's enough stuff that's more promising than L4D2, sadly. For one I dislike the characters and day maps. Yeah. Didn't really peak my interest like the first one.
  12. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
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    Vehicles , Armor, more buildings to explore. ect

    BASED GOD Ancient

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    They gave you an unfinished game in which they PROMISED they would finish, and keep it as up-to-date as TF2 (which they promised for the xbox by the end of 2008).

    The 'free dlc' they gave us was part of the game, which is still unfinished. I sold L4D after I heard about L4D2, Valve is retarded. Ep 3 anyone?
  14. MetaWaddleDee

    MetaWaddleDee Ancient
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    If L4D is an unfinished game and I keep coming back to it almost everyday, that only makes me more excited to see what they can do in a finished L4D2.
  15. SRC48

    SRC48 Ancient
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    l4d is a great game, i enjoy it and that's what matters. Sure, i'd like more dlc but hey if the new game is full price i'll buy it because of my impression with the first one. I'm not bothered by the day maps either, there will be some night ones(pretty sure anyways) so it's not a big deal(it makes it more realistic because it isn't always night time!)
  16. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    I want to see a special preorder bonus where you can get a code to unlock michael jackson as a special infected.
  17. natu

    natu Ancient
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    A new engine would be nice.
  18. SRC48

    SRC48 Ancient
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    Best idea in this whole thread!
  19. Jake Pajamas

    Jake Pajamas Guest

    In multiplayer, be able to play as a common infected while you wait around for 20 seconds to spawn as a special infected.

    Also, in addition to special infected, be able to spawn as a horde (like you spawn as a common infected, and you have 10-15 followers who will attack whoever you attack).

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