Download Tether v1.0 Overview: This map was built using concept artwork from Bungie showing the New Mombasa Space Tether. It is as accurate as I could make it and ran into the OLN at the end. As a side note the map has placed spawns and technically works for all gametypes, but the games may be a little to hectic for any actual competitveness. Here are the Pics: Concept Art Map Overview Another Sunrise Thanks and Enjoy! Download! Tether v1.0
This looks nice dude! very good, Interlocking 4.5/5 Appearance 5/5 Playability ?/5 I do not see any flaws about this one. Good Job! 4.8/5
Wow, this looks amazing! It's almost the exact same as the picture. Nice job man, now to download and see if it's playable... Keep up the awesome forging! ~Hunter
Looks great actually. The tower part looks great, good use of column stones. The merging seems to be quite neat, i dont really see how you can have gameplay on it, but the aesthetics are great.
Sweet replica you got there Gecko! I gotta say that the structure looks really, really good. Unfortunately, I won't be keeping this in my hard drive, primarily because the map cannot be played on. I do not expect that to be fixed, since it is after all, an aesthetic map. Compared to the other aesthetic maps I have seen recently, this is definitely one of the best. I'll give it a 5/5. (=
Wow this is an amazing copy of the concept art, it looks just like it! I'm going to download this and look around in forge.
That is why it is in the astedic maps or how ever you saw it, nice inter locking. the picture and that looks like exacly the same.i hope to see more maps from you in the future
The accuracy is incredible! It looks like everything is to perfect scale as in the photo. Looks great... it amazes me how people can do things like this, downloading now.
The design of this actually looks like it could work well as a competitive map if it was built either on the ground floor or in the crypt as a large central structure with surrounding structures.
I ran into the OLN when finishing, so no surrounding structures, and kept it in the sky so the surrounding area acts as the "water" barrier.
I don't get where the games take place. Is it outside the Space Tether, or is there an inside? If it's inside, do you think you could put some pictures up, because I am really confused on how you play on this map.
No inside, you just play on and around it, the structure itself is pretty imposing at around 3 blocks high even before the tether actually rises out of it.
Good god, does anyone know what an aesthetic map is? It means gameplay is not necessary. The map is very accurate and clean, well done sir. Why did you decide to build this? Seems kinda random.
I was looking through some pics of concept art and stumbled upon this and thought it looked pretty sweet, I was a little bored with matchmaking at the time, no friends were on, and thought I'd try my hand at a little aesthetic forging. The biggest part was trying to get the scale right, luckily it all fell through and I had enough pieces to finish the project.
great job on the apearence but i dont know how you could play on it. If you hollowed out the tower in a V2 that would look sick and it would be playable
great likeness to the concept art, i like how it looks like a sand version, it works for it. for those that are more interested in gameplay than aesthetics maybe you could adapt the map into a more playable one, make it smaller to build more perhaps with the original concept in mind, just a suggestion. overall 4.8/5
Wow. This is really amazing. It looks exactly like the real thing. Very good remake. I'll DL and further review.