Hello there, Guys. Download link: Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details My new map is called Chiha-Ri after a north korean missile testing facility.(first one i found when i googled that, lawl) (i hit the item limit so there are only 2 gametypes available atm, if any of you finds a piece that looks kinda pointless, i might be able to remove enough to make more gametypes.) on that note, the map is escapable, but it adds to the overall gameplay, so the parts of the map that are escapable dont even really count as not part of the map. anyways, its an asymetrical map in the sandbox skybubble that supports a recommended 4-8 players.(of course, you can play with more or less people but the map will probably suck awefully) working gametypes: slayer territories items on map: weapons: (1 (30/2) means 1 on map, 30 second spawn with 2 clips) assault rifle------1 (30/2) sniper rifle-------1 (60/0) SMG----------------2 (30/2) spiker-------------1 (30/2) magnum-------------2 (30/2) plasma rifle-------2 (30/*) rocket launcher----1 (60/0) carbine------------2 (30/2) mauler-------------1 (30/1) equipment list: (4 (10) means 4 on map 10 second spawn) frag---------------4 (10) plasma-------------2 (10) spike--------------2 (10) power drain--------1 (60) regenerator--------1 (60) active camo--------1 (30/not at start) Now for some screanshots! This is an overview of the map: Just an overview of the central chamber: heres a view of one of the bases(the missile construction room) a view of the second base type thingy(nuclear core holding area) also the mauler spawn The power generator room(somethings got to power this place...) I dont have any action shots at the moment because i was playing alot of online play and forgot to save the action videos for pics, ill consider adding some later. i took the pictures from a forge session just to show some respawn points. incase you missed it: Download link: Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details
nice map. but i think you should interlock a little bit more. i also think that the rocket spawns to farst for your small map. overall you got some good ideas and a good layout.
lol, yes korea does have telporter tech. we should all be scared. to forging2perfecktion: -cant interlock anymore, hit object limit, sorry. -i was having trouble deciding rocket spawn, but it does only have 2 shots. the point of fast spawn is to get people into the middle area, which the map is centered around. finally: imantron-since your new you should read the rules because thats spam. edit: the thingy over the map is a crane, to pick up the missiles from the construction zone to the launch zone. just for aesthetics really, but i see what you meen, doesnt really look like a crane.
well it cant kill everyone, but there is an unfinished missile in missile construction zone. but if i do make v2, maybe ill try to figure something out in the middle or something. thanks for the advice
FUFHA: i knew it was a crane but for the map, the map is pretty. it's got everything from an assembly room to a launch pad. i haven't played on it so i don't know how well the weapon spawns are. I'll give it a download though.
Alright, so if this is a competitive map, it should never have more than 2 types of grenades (including frags that you spawn with). There is a guide to this somewhere, but I cant seem to find it. I will edit this post when I do. Also, I could never imagine playing anything larger than a 1v1. It seems to me that it would just be constant spawn killing. Just curious, because I have to hook up my xbox to DL, I have to ask if your spawn points are set to Neutral? I assume no, and if so, then they should be. Use spawn areas to mark each teams spawn, as well as starting points. All of your spawn points should be neutral, or else, one team could simply stand in the other teams spawn and nade+Br them everytime they spawn.