
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by kn0ck3d0ut, Jun 20, 2009.

  1. kn0ck3d0ut

    kn0ck3d0ut Ancient
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    Ok this is my first post so please dont flame me for doing anything wrong.
    The map: Download MICE
    The game variant: Download GAMETYPE CATS

    When you play this map the mice/non infected are suppose to drive out of the mouse hole into the main area. the exit of the hole is labeled with a b sign pointing to it. the mice are supposed to drive around the areana and try to not get caught by the zobies.

    in this picture below this is where the mice spawn. and they must drive out of there with in 2 minutes or the door will close and they will be blown. be careful though the cats will be ready to pounce all over you.

    in this picture below you are the mouse and only your head is shown and that is what the cats try and pounce at. some recommendation is to try and swerve all over the place.

    where the mice come out of for their hiding hole is marked by the a sign pointing to them. if you are the cats just stand there and wait for them to come out.

    here i am showing what will happen if the mice do not escape from their hole in 2 minutes they will be blown up.

    Notes: if you are the mice dont get off the mongoose or double up as when you get off you will be killed easily and if you double up you are a much bigger target. also this game is best to be played with 10 people for 8 mice and 2 cats or you will end up doubling up and being killed easier.
    the mice are given magnums with unlimeted ammo and 0 damage and also freindly fire is turned off. the cats move at the same speed as the mice but kill in one hit and dont forget they can pounce, or you mite end up also hitting another mouse and then getting killed. please before the game starts try to remind people to get out of the mouse hole in 2 minutes or they will die.

    Extra notes: if you find any bugs or find people being able to escape please tell me how and where and i will try and fix the bug. also if you are finding this to hard if you are the infected and to easy to not get killed i will make a new game type to try and make it easier.

    Please recommend this to freinds and others if you find this a good map
    #1 kn0ck3d0ut, Jun 20, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 20, 2009

    Senior Member

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    looks like you got some good ideas.
    maybe you should interlock and geo-merge your objects that it looks a little bit cleaner, but nice layout overall.if you interlock and your new version i will def download your map.
  3. kn0ck3d0ut

    kn0ck3d0ut Ancient
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    ok thx ill try geo merging some stuff but i dont know how and also im not sure what i would geo merge.
  4. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    I've seen a map like this, it's called whack-a-mole, except you use a gravity hammer. I think that you should merge some stuff together to tidy things up, because it looks like an overall solid map, good job.
  5. kn0ck3d0ut

    kn0ck3d0ut Ancient
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    what should i merge together the roof
  6. Trentzombee

    Trentzombee Ancient
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    You should merge togerther anything that is bumpy. This makes walking much smoother (or driving) or if its just a bumpy roof, merging well make the map look nicer.
  7. F3AR F1SH

    F3AR F1SH Ancient
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    riffle i remember that map but this one i think looks better it seems to be cleaner and it looks really good
  8. Trentzombee

    Trentzombee Ancient
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    Oh.. and to the map. Looks like the gameplay would be very hectic and fun. You don't have to geomerge on map like this, but interlocking is a must. Good for a first post! I haven't even posted a map yet! (I'm more of a critque) 4/5
  9. kn0ck3d0ut

    kn0ck3d0ut Ancient
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    thx and for driving it is very smooth
  10. Cookie Monster

    Cookie Monster Ancient
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    I've actually played this a long ago.
    The game was fun, I reccomend DL it if this is the same game of course.
    All I really remember being the infection, you are invis or something and you use the mongooses to get under the main structure to pop into the level.
  11. Mr Fausticals

    Mr Fausticals Ancient
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    i played the original and I think this one was made a little neater, but it doesn't have all the special features like whack-a-mole did. I suggest making the area for the mice to drive around in a little larger. This will make it so they have more space to escape. I was wondering, do the swords kill them after the first lunge? If so, I suggest making it so it takes 2-3 hits to kill the mice. 4/5
  12. FUFHA

    FUFHA Ancient
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    insert sex joke here^

    on another topic, great game flow and forging.
  13. kn0ck3d0ut

    kn0ck3d0ut Ancient
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    you really cant make the space any larger i used all the fence wall and the normal walls i checked and they do not work
  14. f4f

    f4f Ancient
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    im sorry but it dosent look like much fun since the cats can just camp, consider putting a gravity lift to push out the mice and keep away cats. If u do that it would be nearly identical to farmyard.
  15. Mr Fausticals

    Mr Fausticals Ancient
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    have you tried using double walls? I've experienced with this type of map before and i made a much larger space than yours and I also made a second story. ofcourse there wasn't a roof though since it was not needed.
  16. Kryticate

    Kryticate Ancient
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    Ah, the classic whack-a-mole. Why did you name it Mice? This idea was done a long time ago. There are still a few problems. First, it was a good map but the mongooses were just not fast enough, leading to an easy win by the infected (cat). That is why the map did not go on to becoming very popular. And at the end of your post you say that the mice die if they do not get out in 2 minutes. 2 minutes seems like a long time for a short mini game (speaking of mini games, why isn't this in the mini game section?) so I would put the time lower, 30 seconds would be nice. I do not think I will be downloading this game, but kudos for putting a lot of work into it: 2/5
  17. Triple96

    Triple96 Ancient
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    Looks good dling after this reply, just one thing: i believe u shud make the mouse spawn blow in like 30 sec or 1 min. (30 sec preffered) because otherwise ppl mite camp untill they are the last ones standing, besides, who needs 2 min. to get into a mongoose? If thee aren't enough mongooses to go around, put them all on instant respawn (run-time min.= run- time max. is how u instant respawn). So yeah, also i suggest cleaning it up a bit it looks a little sloppy.

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