Hi, i was just wondering if you guys could give me any suggestions as to what to do for aesthetics in my next race track, a big creature, animal or any structure that might look cool with a race track incorporated in to it. You guys seemed to like my previous track Dragon's Lair, http://www.forgehub.com/forum/race-maps/75122-dragons-lair.html so that could be an example of the scale i'm talking about. I'd like it to be a unique thing that might not have been done in a race track before. Yeah, I'm asking you guys this because i only keep interest in making a track if there's something special about it. Any suggestions would be cool.
Erm, they both seem doable, you could just ride down the sword and that would be pretty bland, and the eiffel tower, the tower would be in the middle with the track going around it. I'd rather have something that has a lot of flat surfaces and curves, a dragon and it's tail was perfect.:happy: