This is my first map post. This is my first Slayer map that I have made on Sandbox. It is made similar to another map of mine that I made but I like this version more. The link to it is here. Tight spaces is a small map that is good for about 4-6 people in a regular slayer game. It is a lot similar to my foundry map, Close Quarters, but this map features only one shotgun. Screenshots This is one side of the map. This is the other side. This is the top view of the map. : Halo 3 File Details
The map looks really good for a first attempt, the middle section looks like a good main point of battle. To improve this map then you could perhaps put more cover in? Good layout overall but some improvements could be made.
the map looks alright for a first post but you should look up forging 101 because (correct me if im wrong) i don't see interlocking. it does not matter much with the block/talls because they automatically kind of interlock but the block/huges are not the same and even with your pics that are kind of far away, i can see gaps. i see new forgers with good ideas but lack some of the building skills, so read up and practice and you'll make some good ones. 3/5
Like the above person said. It looks ok, some interlocking and more asthetics would make this a great map. I would add a weapon list though; and the gametypes it supports. I know it does support slayer. A V2 would be nice, more lights, more weapons, and more asthetics. 3/5.
Looks pretty cool In my opinion i would say some bit are a bit empty the middles just right Good first map
i think your map looks ok overall like a other member said you should learn or do interlocking your map will look so much more cleaner with interlocking and geo-merging. i also think that the middle is a little bit open you could add for example a walls or a corner or something else. i think you can fix all that with a version two
Yeah you do need to do more interlocking, it really helps making it look nice and smooth. if you want I can help you make it better GT SK Aleks.