Hi everybody ! =) In first sorry for my spelling I d'ont speak english very well I'm french ... (i present a map and I work my english ... It's not fantastic ? ^^) So I'm here for try to present my new map : DibONiUm DibOniUm is a map made in the crypt of Sandbox. All the gamtypes are possible but it better with a minimum of 8 players in FFA and 10 in team game. A little story about DibONiUm : On the colony K10, some men of the UNSC found an old structure under the sand. After some search, they discovered that this building are an old pit who walks thanks to an antique forerunneurs technology Now the screenshot : Here, 2 global view from opposite point : You can see (No you can't ? Anyway ) there are one floor. The structure at the upper left and at the lower right are the two bases where players will spawn when there are two teams. Here you have a better view of the two bases : There are too two structure stuck to the wall where you can find some fight advantages : Here there are a gauss turret (the little black thing ... ) And in this one there are a green rocket (I don't know the true word for this weapon but I think it's explicit ) and sorry I didn't find a good point of view :S The strange structure in the middle of the map can be call the central building. There are a lot of jump or bridge or teleport to access at this structure from everywhere in the map. People who want use weapon will stay in high while if you want use vehicle you can do fight at the first floor who is here: There are a big jump who start at the top of the central building. With this big jump you can access to a flying structure where there are a banshee : Normaly you can't stay in this structure for snipe and wait the people who come because it's often the peole who come who have the advantage. I did that for a better gameplay . The weapon equipment and vehicle : In each base there are 1 sniper, 1 pod missile, 1 equipment and a needler. (I don't mention the BR, the AR , plasma and frag grenada who are scatter in the map) You can find 1 green rocket in a structure stuck to the wall, 1 rocket at the 1st floor of the central structure and 1 spartant laser at the top of the central structure. There are 1 equipment on each structure and a some little weapons like pistol, plasma pistol, plasma rifle, spiker or submachine gun. I gave a long time of spawn at the destructive weapon coz after there are too much strong weapon in the same time. About the vehicle, there are 1 warthog and two mongoose in each base, 1 banshee in the flying structure and one ghost in the structure where there are the gausse turret. I hope you understand some things but if it's not the case, DL my map here and you will see ^^' : Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details Bye X 7v
Looks very good. I might DL later when I have the time . As your first map this is Awsome!! 5/5. ps: you might want to change some of the weapons. Some are over/under powerd.
I love this map i could tell you why but then i would be here all day. i can't see anything wrong with it other than it looks a little bumpy. DL from me
Bonjour X 7v! Je parle francais, mais n'est pas bien. Ton carte est tres bien. Alright now im going to speak english again... I dont know too much french, but im going into my second year of it ANYWAY, your map is very good, i think i may have to download this and check it out good map and keep forging!
I was just thinking the other day that I want to try a BTB/vehicular map in the Crypt... it seems you have done just that. Looks fairly solid too, good work. Only thing I'm not sure about is the Banshee.
The map looks excellent. The game play of this map and your forging skills are amazing. I'll certainly download later. 5/5
Brilliant First map, you have achieved something quite brilliant in the design and placement of things on your map, Tres Bien! the platform is a good design the different aspect of gameplay that i am thinking of are endless, you have made it very variable for the players to take their approach to the game in many different ways. is it set up for all gametypes? a download and 5/5 well done!
Thank you everybody =) I'm surprise that you can understand it's quite worried my teacher doesn't understand me when i speak english and american peoples can understand ^^' For the Banshee i'm not sure this is a good idea too but i wanted do something with this flying plateform lol. Thanks again bye X 7v
don't worry about the bad English, we can't even order a cheeseburger without having to deal with bad English. Americans are use to it, and most of us don't mind. The map looks fantastic. I love the high platforms. It make the map a lot bigger. It also creates a way to get around the map without getting raped by the warthog which create a sense of balance. 4.5/5 and a download.
looks cool for the first post here. maybe you could interlock some more objects and geo-merge some of them. i also think that its a little bit too open. overal you got a good layout. 3.5/5
I like the floating floor idea, that's really unique.. Overall everything looks solid, the only thing I think it needs is more colour! The crypt can be so gray without lights.
mhhh by too open you want to say that there are not enough ceiling ?? If it's that it's true that it brake the gameplay during some target party but i didn't have enough money for finish ^^'