Made from Foundry. Plays Slayer and Team Slayer only. Description Going horizontally across the large area of the map is a large arch. There is a sniping platform in the corner that can only be reached through a teleporter. Each of the bases are 'barricaded' in by boxes but there are stair cases. There is an area where you could run around on top of those boxes where you enter the main area. This area has some elevated paths on either side of the Arch. The weapons on the map are pretty basic: One R-Launcher, one Sniper Rifle, one shotgun, along with a few SMGs, Battle Rifles, ect.. Theres some equipment also, including a Bubble shield, Regenerator, and Deployable Cover. And, of course, there are also frags, plasma grenades, and even a couple fire bombs. Enjoy! Feedback and suggestions greatly appreciated. Updated Notes: none atm Download here Pictures The Arch Another look at the Arch A look to the side of the Arch Sideview 1 Sideview 2 Sniper Platform
Very nice! Looks similar to that of a concert stage (You know how some of them have arched roofs.) I'll DL it tomorrow. Cheers, ~Doc
The idea is pretty cool, but i think the map itself is really empty. Try adding some scenery to the open areas on the bottom of the map. You can also upgrade the arch itself. Maybe make it wider of something. These things will jsut spice up your map a little bit.
It seems to me you have a great base structure, you just need to give it some scenery, weapons and other assorted things. The icing on the cake if you will.
Thanks for the feedback guys! 'preciate it Look for an updated version also with a bit more scenery and weapons. ^Thanks Billy
Great map man, I really like the idea of the arch... Another idea you could try is instead of using the top of the double boxes, turn them upside down for a smoother surface.
Like everyone else said.. It is a bit bland. I like the arch tho.. its 'unique. I don't wanna waste alot of time saying what everyone else has said, but I wanted to tell you that you may want to make your download link a bit more noticeable. I saw where it says 'download here' and put my cursor over and all and still didn't catch it at first. **thumbs up!** Ninja Monkey vanish* POOF!
Looks interesting, and--yes--unique. How about adding support for more gametypes in your next version that take advantage of your map's unique geography? Keep up the good work!
This archway is a very original idea and i like the look of it but i do agree it should be two bridges wide. also you have alot of open spaces so you should add a 2nd level in a few places but not taking away any action from the main building and i think that you should block the back part off because the only reason i think that someone would be up there is if they just spawned.