Sandbox Rebellion

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by hlg protege, Jun 20, 2009.

  1. o LiGHTNiNG o

    o LiGHTNiNG o Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Oh dear! Good heavens no!
    *fans self*
    Silly lad, you still have much to learn. Mayhaps I shall take you under my wing.
    Firstly, The pictures I mentioned in my previous monologue were to be inserted into the original thread. A simple editing of your original post would have sufficed. Additionally, all pictures must be embedded. The first two were, so I've no doubt you can manage the feat on your own. However, if you require any more assistance, simply contact me via personal message, o LiGHTNiNG o, esquire. I am quite well versed in the ways of this forum.
    *tips top hat*
    Until we meet again, old chap.

    Senior Member

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    first your screenshots arent working.
    i downloaded it and what i see that you really should learn how to interlock your objects i also think that its way to open you could add for example a box or some walls.

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