People often say that my competitive maps lack good aesthetics. I say "Who cares? It plays really well and is loads of fun." I just don't think it matters if the game is strictly meant for competition. I believe the more casual maps need aesthetics to somewhat lighten the mood. Your opinions? NOTE: I mean extra, unnecessary scenery. Not things like organized merging and placement of object.
I actually believe that any map needs at least one aesthetic. In all honesty you want something nice to appreciate and look at while you are on a rampage.
of corurse aesthetics count, probably more in competitive maps more than any other (except perhaps racing)
Maps are good when they have nice scenery. The gameplay might be affected by it (might). However, ascetics added to competitive maps make everything look a lot more appealing.
It depends how you use the words aesthetics. If you mean scenery that is just there to be looked at, then no it doesn't matter. For example, in Furious D 18's Exacted map, he has created a flower out of teleporter nodes. It is really cool but is really just another great feature to his map. I think if you have/take the time that they can help give a map character, but at the same time, they aren't completely necessary. If you are referring to aesthetics as in interlocking and tidiness, it is one of the most important things to a competitive map. Since it is competitive, you don't want to "stub your toe" every step you take because it can ruin the gameplay which is the most important thing. Another aesthetic that is huge in a competitive map (especially symmetrical ones) is giving scenery to sides to tell where you are. For example, interlocking a power up into the bases to tell them apart or putting signs are very beneficiary. Even having a fork lift on one side is a helpful way to tell "call outs."
Yes, aesthetics matter very much. Why do you think bungie takes all the time they do to make their maps look "pretty", otherwise if they made their maps solely for good playability all their maps would look like Foundry, boring and bland. Aesthetics are what gives a map life and meaning. It is the final touch that brings you and immerses you in that fantasy world. Aesthetics make maps unique, appealing, and exciting. It is great to see little details that make the virtual world seem all the more real. For example, in one of my maps, The Plaza, I blocked off part of the map in Foundry. I could have just left it a blank wall, but instead I made it look as if it were a storefront, so it looked like part of the enviroment. I also added a fence walled off area on the side so you can see farther behind the store. I interlocked a door, put some scenery, and put a warthog to make it look like a believable back alley. All of that just enriched the whole feel of the map, and it is all part of Aesthetics. Here is what I was talking about. [img width=800 height=450][/img] now just think without the use of aesthetics this would be a simple barrier preventing access to another section of the map.
To clear things up, I meant aesthetics as in nice scenery or just something that looks interesting. Of course good merging is necessary!
I also think how you think. In the end though a little Eye Candy can set your map apart from the rest! there's no reason for me to post as, that was almost word for ward what I would've's like you know
For damn sure. How fun would all of Bungie's maps be if they were all gray walls? You make it look nice, and they will come.
Thank you, you ripped the words from my big mouth all the while choking me, you get me. *WHY YOU little! ahhh!ahh!aahh!*
Thing is, this is Forge and not a true map editor. Depending on the type of map you are making, you may not always have the luxury of making a map look pretty if you want it to play a certain way. You are limited in the number of each object you can place, and you can't place lighting, or textures, or change the fundamental geometry of the map. (For example: the open area of Foundry is not perfectly square. :squirrel_sad: Therefore, if I want to make a 3 story tall map with perfect reflectional symmetry along a diagonal axis, at least one side of the open area must be blocked off--in addition to the bases--to form a square. This costs a great deal in walls, double boxes, or whatever I use to block it off, that can no longer be used for other map geometry.) Of course, if a map concept allows one to make a beautiful map with Forge, then certainly one should make the map aesthetically pleasing. And if one has the opportunity to add those little extra objects, without adversely affecting gameplay, then that's nice. But I don't consider those extras very important, especially in a simple object editor like Forge. And I will not limit myself to only those map concepts that I know in advance I can make look gorgeous in Forge. I will explore any concept that I believe is fun and possible in Forge. :squirrel_jaffa: