Here is a bunch of screenshots I took with ODST's fighting a hunter. (Need Title) (Did you hear something?) : Halo 3 File Details (Need Title) OMFG (Need Title) Is He Gone? : Halo 3 File Details These are also possible caption entry pictures (I want to see some of what you think they are thinking) Bonus fun
for the 3rd one "OH MY F***ING GOD MY LEEGS!!" or "Um excuse me enemy Hunter,but do you mind pulling us out of this quick sand so we can continue fighting?" idk only thing i thought of
Wow the last one is so epic with the lighting,angle,colors,and concept.How did you get the cheif to get that color?Prob the explosion. Overall they are all above etiquette.
3rd pic caption: You stole my cookie!? No no no no! HE stole your cookie! Umm... Do you like waffles?
LOL the first one looks like as if the Hunter wants a blowjob. The second one looks like the 2nd ODST is saying "**** man, run!" And the 3rd one looks like the Hunter is simply raping both of them. The last one is EPIC. XD