For a while, I've been wanting to play Garrys Mod, Counterstrike, etc. but I never had either a Steam account or a PayPal account. Now, my friend has purchased BOTH of these games, and I was wondering: If I used his account, could I download GMod and CSS onto my computer? Help would be much appreciated.
Yes but only one of you can be logged in at a time. It will kick the other person off if one logs in. *edit Steam accounts are free and do not require paypal
He said he has never had a steam account, I was informing him he can have one just to organize games he already has, or possibly buy new ones without needing a paypal account.
But I do need a Steam account to download them, right? He couldn't just give me the .exe files or whatever, could he? Anyway, here is my current concept of it. I log into his Steam account, download both, install, and can play till he logs in? Is that all correct?
Correct. You might be able to play single player games when he is logged in too, I'm not sure. My brothers and I use the same account so we don't have to buy all the games. It works fairly well unless everyone wants to be playing at once.