Map created by LXV Grizzly Battle through this wartorn town, to gain control of key sniping spots and the various power weapons. Good for long range urban sniping, battle rifle action, and close quarters gun and run players. Spice things up by using the various equipment placed across the map. Recommended Party size is 2 on 2 - 4 on 4 13 Battle rifles 1 Shotgun 2 Snipers 2 Smg's 2 Spikers 1 Plasma Pistol 1 Brute Shot 1 Rocket 1 Laser 1 Mauler 1 Machine gun turret 1 Needler 1 Carbine 2 Fragmentation Grenades 1 Plasma Grenade Also there is some equipment 2 Bubble sheilds 1 Regenerator Download Cairo Pictures: Overveiw [img width=800 height=600][/img] Three Story Building [img width=800 height=600][/img] Base A [img width=800 height=600][/img] Inside of Base A [img width=800 height=600][/img] Outside of Base A [img width=800 height=600][/img] Base B [img width=800 height=600][/img] Inside of Base B [img width=800 height=600][/img] Back Corner Lot [img width=800 height=600][/img] Thanks guys! I would really like some critisism on how I could better this map, any help you can give me I will really apreciate.
Thanks, while ive seen it before, I hadnt really given that much thought, ill make sure and do that the next map i post.
This map looks really empty and boring. I see alot of crooked walls and such which isn't really aesthetically appealing. Also, what is with the 13 battle rifles? This map looks way too open to accomodate all those BRs. Ninja Monkey vanish* POOF!
I'm just wondering have you read the forging 101 section because this could really help this map out. also you could add some more secenry to just fill the map up a bit better.
it is a very 2v2 slayer map and i like it alot i was playing with my friends and we played on and on. it is good because you can find out who the better team is you and your one buddy or your other buddies so keep making cool maps they dont think they should of lost
lol thanks, glad you liked it, keep the critisism commin guys, im in the process of starting a new map right now, so if you have any tips or just something that I should do tell me id love to know