Despite the new objects going to be placed in the new maps, will Blackout actually be good in the Forge?
I think it will, Blackout is made of simple designs, rectangles, triangles and a few circles here and there, basically. Just like Foundy. It will be easy-to-forge with because of that. If you don't get what I'm saying, take Snowbound for example, there are tons of curves everywhere, the bases, the ground outside, the caves, it is all lumpy and curved. Yet on Foundry everything ends in sharp edges and its easy to fit items in there and make it look neat. Or Blackout will be like Epitaph, lots of edges and all, but you can't forge a lot because of the items they give you.
I honestly can't say how good they will be until I play them. That goes with the other two threads you posted. I have you admit though, I can think of thousands of things you can do if you can get on top of the roofs in Blackout. That would be so sweet, but for some reason I am doubting it.
Eh, what would the point be? Many people already agree that it is one of the greatest slayer maps ever, what could we possible do to make it better? Another platform? Also, fail.
Making respawns appear in the death barrier and making guardian kills/suicides count for +1. Fastest to 50 wins!
I think that this will be the best map to Forge on out of the three. I may be wrong but judging from the screenshots I think so.
In the newest update they said "We also think that people are going to be pretty excited about some of the Forge elements included in Blackout too – including a couple of nifty but vital surprises that can completely change the way the map flows and feels."-Bungie I really like what that may mean.
i dont care im just going to play normal on it they should make a channel in matchmaking that has team slayer ONLY on black out every time
I think it's going to be sort of a less technical Foundry. You will be able to cut of pathways, and possible add some more of your own.
You never know... The great big area outside seemed pretty cool though... idk, i've never played sidewinder so..
Yeah, you really won't know until well, you've played it. I'm guessing it will be interesting to say the least.
Well, the, "exciting new things," on blackout has me thinking that you can spawn more platforms maybe? Oh my that would be awesome. Anyway, the first thing I am going to do is make a team/FFA slayer Never Ending War game, with a few twists. If they give us man cannons, I am putting the Super Jumps back in on ALL my maps. Deal with it :squirrel_giggle:
if you mean outside the map, i highly doubt it...the ''death border'' is usually pretty close by, you know...
I was thinking, in addition to the usual immovable bridges, boxes, etc., something more along the lines of clear doors that you can see through, but not move or shoot through-- like bullet-proof glass.