After numerous searches of a similar topic to this I surprisingly found no other threads! So here, post a list of your favorite video games! Heres mine! ..:::Xbox 360:::.. - Madden NFL '09 - NHL 2K9 - Gears of War 2 - Fallout 3 - Rock Band 2 - Castle Crashers - Marvel: Ultimate Alliance - Assassin's Creed - Halo 3 - BioShock ..::S3:::.. - Resistance 2 - LittleBigPlanet - Grand Theft Auto IV - Dead Space - Skate 2
1. Halo 3 2. Call Of Duty 4: Modern Warfare 3. GTA IV 4. Left 4 Dead 5. Gears Of War 2 6. Bioshock 7. Guitar Hero III
Anything Guitar Hero or Rock Band really. Halo 1-3 Gears 1,2 Bioshock Dead Space Call of Duty WaW Ratchet and Clank 1-3, Deadlocked
1. Star Wars Battlefront 2 - Probably one of my favourite classic games that i played through my pre-teen and early teen years 2. Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds: Clone Campaigns - my friend has it, i play it whenever i can at his house. my favourite RTS by far. 3. Halo 3 - seriously... who doesnt love this game? 4. Halo 2 - Probably the game of the Halo series that i have spent the most time on. My favourite map is RELIC!!!! IM SO EXCITED FOR LONGSHORE!!! 5. Gears 1&2 - Just great original games, fun to play. 6. Mario Kart!!!! - I love mario kart! mario kart was actually my first intro to video games
Halo 3 Cod 4 Gears of War 2 Guitar Hero World Tour Madden 09 Need For Speed Most Wanted Forza Motorsport 2 Pretty much just all the good ones.
World Tour? Really? eh, definitely was a bummer when i played through that one. It had maybe 10 good songs to it
Agreed. I really didn't like any of the songs in that game. Maybe just a couple, but what really makes a really good guitar hero game is the songs in my opinion. If they made a guitar hero with all my favorite songs, I don't think I would ever stop playing it.
In no particular order: - Halo 2 - Prototype - TES4: Oblivion - Burnout 3 - Half Life 2 - Bioshock - Ratchet & Clank 1 + 3 - Assassins Creed - Mass Effect
Halo series Fallout 3 Saints Row 2 Red Faction Guerilla Call of Duty 4 Team Buddies Star Wars Battle Front 2 Crash series Guild Wars Ratchet + Crank series Burnout Series Soul Calibur 2 And that wasn't in order.
In no particular order: Halo 1,2,3. Banjo Kazooie series Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess Guitar Hero: Aerosmith Call Of Duty:WaW Call Of Duty 4: Modern Warfare Smackdown vs Raw 2009 Fable 2 Pokemon Diamond/Pearl/Platinum Pokemon Gold/Silver/Crystal Mario Kart 64 Halo Wars
1. Halo 3 2. COD 4 3. COD 5 4. Halo 2 5. Star Wars battlefront 1&2 6. Halo Wars 7. Halo 1 8. Mario Kart: Double Dash 9. Rachet & Crank series 10. Madden NFL 09