Foundry Misery

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by anroma, Jun 19, 2009.

  1. anroma

    anroma Ancient
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    K, so here's my new map on Foundry called Misery. It's a very small map working on a Team Slayer only, but I'll make it soon to work on FFA Slayer. It's best at 3 vs. 3, but it's okay at 2 vs. 2, and 4 vs. 4 (seriously it isin't good at 1 vs. 1, alltough it's a small map). So, the weapon list:

    Assault Rifle: 3
    Battle Riffle: 7
    Shotgun: 1 (Shotgun has only one clip of bullets)
    SMG: 6
    Spiker: 4
    Plasma Pistol: 1
    Plasma Rifle: 1
    Needler: 2
    Brute Shot: 1
    Covenant Carbine: 3
    Mauler: 3
    Sentinel Beam: 1
    Frag Granades: 4
    Plasma Granades: 3
    Spike Granades: 5
    Firebomb Granades: 1 (Firebomb granade has a looooong respawn)
    Bubble Shield: 2
    Power Drain: 1
    Trip Mine: 1
    Regnerator: 1
    Radar Jammer: 1
    Flare: 1
    Overshields: 1
    Active Camo: 1
    Custom Powerup: 1

    And here are the picks:


    Overwiew 2

    Attackers Base

    Above Attackers Base

    Defenders Base

    Hallway out of defenders base

    Overshield Spawn (end of a hallway)

    In front of a hallway

    High Ground

    Active Camo Spawn (taken over the attackers base)

    Pillars (between the pillars are lots of weapons)

    Under the high ground

    Shotgun Spawn

    Download Link: : Halo 3 File Details

    So, leave your comment.

    T3RA PROWL3R Ancient
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    This map is really cluttered and the interlocking is sloppy. If you want to make this map better than it already is, which is kinda good, I suggest you fix the interlocking and maybe get rid of some of the cover/clutter. Like I noticed all of those barriers standing up, just one, maybe two barriers laid down would've been fine. 3/5 for now, mainly because of originality.
  3. ShreddedDreamz

    ShreddedDreamz Ancient
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    Keepin it real

    People like you are what's making this site go to ****. You get people who post a terrible map, and instead of telling them the truth and why its bad, people will just beat around the bush and not give criticism and be straightforward and say THIS IS BAD, AND THIS IS WHY:
    why are people so afraid to actually tell people the truth. That's why you post a map, to get criticism on what you did wrong and try to improve your forging. [/rant]
    My review:
    -You have no attempt to make the map decent looking and/or eye-appealing.
    -The map shows no real idea of flow for gameplay.
    -Cluttered messes of weapons/ objects are always a bad idea.
    -Too many power-ups for the size of the map.
    -There are no nice smooth transitions between parts of the map, everything is just a random thrown together cluttered mess.

    Now anroma, this post is not personal in anyway. I am sick of people not giving actual feedback to help people improve their forging. If you don't correct a problem, people think it's ok to continue since to them there was nothing wrong. That in turn leads to more people posting more and more shitty maps and again people afraid to be real. And eventually, the problem becomes so big, it ruins the entire site and what FH was meant to be in the first place, which is for users to share their creations, and get constructive feedback. Constructive feedback means that they can use the input they got from another user and build upon that to improve.

    I hope to set a precendent for whoever reads this post to keep in mind so what about post counts. That's not what the site is about. Give a real review in a post for the creator to use to improve their forging and make better maps, not just post for the sake of posting and in turn hurt the site.
  4. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
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    I am very impressed by the interlocking of the two bridges. because of using that advanced forging technique, i give this map 3/5, but it really needs more barrels to hide behind. every foundry map needs lots of barrels, you should know that, it is in Forging 101.
  5. Ja Red is Ninja

    Ja Red is Ninja Ancient
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    /sarcasm a bit much. I'll say this quick. The design of the map itself isn't so bad. In fact, the gameplay may be pretty bomb but I'll download and test first. The only thing I would say that would get this map noticed by most of the Hubbers here is to use Forging 101 tactics. Besides the already known fact. I'll get back to you after I'm done looking at it.

    The other issue is the cluttered weapons for how small this map is. I suggest you ask around for help with weapons and spawns to make a great map.
    #5 Ja Red is Ninja, Jun 19, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2009
  6. HunTedMeat

    HunTedMeat Ancient
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    Wow, that ^^^^^ is probably the most impressive display of sarcasm I've ever seen.
    Never mind. Anyways, this map is pretty good considering that it is your first map attempt. No DL but I do recommend a nice long visit to the forging 101 section. Don't give up, and keep on forging, cause thats how you get better.
  7. Benji

    Benji Ancient
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    im just going to give a couple suggestions
    use only 2 types of grenades (frags and spike/sticky)
    don't use custom powerups unless you have a gametype that uses it
    go here and here to learn pretty much everything about forging
  8. headlessbarbie

    headlessbarbie Ancient
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    No, Titmar, you need barrels AND way more propane tanks. Propane tanks determine skill of a mapmaker, so more propane tanks=more skill.

    Also, where is the Wraith? Every good Foundry map has at least one Wraith. Also, your overshield at the end of a hallway looks very good for gameplay, no one would ever camp in there, right?

    In terms of weapons, There are not enough battle rifles. 7 for a 2v2 map? Either put 9 more down, or put more power weapons to balance them. Imagine, me spawning and not immediately being able to pick up a br! With my pro skills, I wouldn't even be able to show them off! ABSURD, SIR!! SCANDALOUS! This is madness!





    Without a br, i would have to rely on my 6 smgs! I would run out of ammunition so quickly, i would only get maybe 2 kills!
    #8 headlessbarbie, Jun 19, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2009
  9. skillkill119

    skillkill119 Ancient
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    WTF? you say stuff like more propane tanks= more skill and weres the wraith the wraith whouldn't be able to go far on a small cluttered mao like this and just cause he doesn't have an exact number of wepons doesn't make it a bad map.
    but (heres my review)
    it sucks
    if small random clutter was good i could take a sh&%@ and be god.
    costem powerups are only good for sertain things so think before u put them on a map camo and overshilds are to easy to get through (not thinking of random clutter) and also on to that subject again i hate when noobs run away and random clutter can somtimes allow that. the little merging u did was actualy ok but other than that i whould not recomend a DL
  10. jaybo1996

    jaybo1996 Ancient
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    dude, Stop with the sarcasm. Your gonna confuse the poor little noob! Any way, yeah. Your map sucks. Sorry to be so blunt but you might want to remove the massive amounts of clutter and some barrels, maybe some propane tanks to. If your gonna use the over shield, put it in a hard to reach area, like on an elvated platform at the center between the two bases. And just remove all the extra weapons, like maybe

    2 Plasma grenades
    4 Frags
    4 Br's
    2 SMG's
    2 Carbines
    1 Brute shot

    that sounds a lot more resanable for a map this size.
  11. Crippled Hobo

    Crippled Hobo Ancient
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    Very messy, but if you improve your skills then you could probably make something decent in the future because the layout is ok, i guess.....
  12. Urban Myth

    Urban Myth Ancient
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    Anyway, the map looks like a good first map... ever. You have ok ideas for design but you need to learn more about things like interlcking and merging. Let me tell you though, don't feel bad when people start ranting about how bad the map is (It may get worse, trust me). Just start again after you learn more about forging, start fresh yknow.
  13. Dragull

    Dragull Ancient
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    Feature now!!!11!!!1!!one!!1!

    Ok, now seriously, first, its too crowded, delete all the barrels and some other stuff. Second, too many weapons (7 br and 6 smg?).
    Third: Sentinel Beam is overpower.
    Fourth: try better interlocking.
  14. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    Notice how many people have sarcastic replies after Titmar posted....

    I would say that this map is pretty messy, you need to interlock walls and make the map neat. Also, you filled the rooms with too much...well... crap..... There is just a ton of junk lying around the hallways. Is that really necessary?
  15. AgileDan92

    AgileDan92 Ancient
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    Please, oh merciful God, please tell me that you can re-read that post and realize that it is SAR-CAS-TIC. He was obviously making fun of the poor map construction. And another thing: Please use Mozilla Firefox. It has an auto spell check when you are typing. We'd all benefit if you did that.

    Now to my map-analysis: I personally think it needs a shield door over the overshield spawn so that nobody wants to camp there. Honestly, with a shotgun on the map, and a small area with an overshield, the only way to insure there is no camping is to close off the only entrance with a shield door.

    And another thing, I don't see any soccer balls anywhere. Whats up with that?

    And if there aren't any rockets on the map, I'll actually have to resort to using other weapons! How will I survive if I can't get a double kill with every shot? If I can't have rockets on the map, I'll have to resort to something else: The shotgun, a needler, or one of the THREE maulers. How could I ever get kills with those on a small map, especially one with so little cover?

    It's ok though, cause I'm a beast with the sentinel beam.


    Ok, no offense to the maker of the map at all. That was just to out-sarcasm everyone else.

    Just check out forging 101 please. You can do better.
  16. Chronic Fate

    Chronic Fate Ancient
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    This easily deserves a feature and the creator of this heaven-like clutter deserves to bare the might Recon Armour (Hallelujah).

    There needs to be 5x as many barrels and fusion coils though and a truck placed directly in the middle would enhance this map's game play past god-like.
    I'll be sure to download this map and recommend it to all of my friends. You, Creator, have just got a fan club. You get a 5.1/5!

    Past all the sarcasm:

    This map is an absolute mess and the game play would be hectic (which sometimes isn't a bad thing, but in your case....). I'd recommend Forging 101 and for you to practice forging. Good luck.... *cough*


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