Sandbox TakeDown

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by HANDSOM R0B, Jun 19, 2009.


    HANDSOM R0B Ancient
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    TakeDown is a mongoose variant of cops and robbers where 4 people (two driving, two riding) try to stop all the other players in the game. The 4 people are the cops and they are invulnerable with plasma pistols and pistols as their weapon set with unlimited ammo. The cops are trying to stop everyone else who are the robbers who have 4x overshield and smgs (in V2 they also have plasma pistols but with limited ammo). The cops job is to stop the robbers by driving the two mongooses they start with while the cops riding plasma pistol the robbers on mongooses to stop their vehicle then take down their shields. You can stop the robbers mongoose and take down their shields with a fully charged plasma pistol shot and then shoot them in the head once with the pistol. In both TakeDown V1 and V2 you only have one life, if you die by the guardians, betrayal (friendly fire is not on, meaning you have to get splattered by a teammate), or by the guardians (yes they are still on), you are out of luck and have to wait until the next round. The robbers have regular radar with the range of 75 meters and the cops have no radar and have to go by sight or sound. The last man in TakeDown V2 however does have a waypoint. There are two versions of TakeDown, V1 and its corresponding map is designed for a 4v4 competitive game, while V2 and its corresponding map are designed for large groups 8-16 players in size and are casual.

    Gametype: TakeDown V1 (Players: 4v4)
    TakeDown V1 is the competitive version that is a VIP variant with two teams of four. There are 4 rounds that are three minutes long and in that time period the defending team (the team with the VIP) tries to kill all four opponents on the other team that all have their own mongooses. Each team gets to be a cop and a robber twice allowing everyone to ride and drive for one round if they want too. A suicide or betrayal is worth -1 while a kill is worth +1, the team with the most points after 4 rounds wins.

    Map Variant: The Back Alley (V1)
    The Back Alley is specifically made for the gametype TakeDown and has two versions allowing, The Back Alley (V1) is meant to be played with TakeDown V1 because it only has 4 mongooses in the parking garage for each robber to take one. The Back Alley is suppose to represent what a good car chase would have in a real city. There is a parking garage you can drive out the top in you bust through the barriers on the top level as well as a ramp into the top level from a nearby church that gives you nos (mancannon power) as you go over to make the big jump. There is a tunnel that runs through the middle of the ramp and leads from one side of the map to the other as well as includes an access point to the parking garage. If the cops are chasing you and are right on your tail you can try your luck busting through a wall (pallet) and having a second pallet drop from above and replace the one you busted and hopefully stopping the cops that are right on your tail. There is also a jump up to a platform made out of pallets that can be used until someone messes the jump up (if you hit it at the right speed and the cops are following you, the ramp will mess up and you'll lose them!). The other way to access the platform is by a ramp with nos that jumps over part of the construction site and through scaffolding for quite the entrance. There are many structures around the map that will allow for some great fluid routes as you run from the cops. Robbers spawn inside the parking garage on different levels and cops spawn behind the parking garage on the ground looking at a wall and two mogooses.

    Gametype: TakeDown V2 (Players: 8-16)
    Takedown V2 is more of a casual version of the game TakeDown because there are no teams but it is set up as an infection variant with 4 people being infected (the cops) and everyone else is on their own as a robber but with the limited amount of possible mongooses with a full party of 16 people will be riding and driving all the mongooses. In this version riding can be as much fun as driving as a robber because as a robber you have a plasma pistol with limited ammo. This means if the cops are right on your tail charge up your plasma pistol and stop the cops dead in their tracks while you getaway. As people die the riders can hop on mongooses that belong to other dead robbers. The round is 7 minutes long and the last man has a waypoint over his head. You get +1 for a kill, -1 for a betrayal or suicide, and +5 for being last man.

    Map Variant: The Back Alley (V2)
    The Back Alley (V2) is designed for TakeDown V2 in the sense that it has all possible mongooses on the map and spawns set up so up to 16 people will spawn next to mongooses and be able to ride or drive. The spawns are set up so that two people won't spawn at the same mongoose if they don't have to. Everything else other than the mongooses and the spawns is the exact saem as The Back Alley (V1).

    [​IMG]: Overview of the map
    [​IMG] : The nos jump from the church to the parking garage
    [​IMG]: The nos jump through the scaffolding to the platform
    [​IMG]: The pallet jump to the platform
    [​IMG]: The robber's spawns in the parking garage
    [​IMG]: The cop's spawn
    #1 HANDSOM R0B, Jun 19, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2009

    Senior Member

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    Glad you finally posted this here. This is bar-none the best, most fun mini-game to come around since Tremor Blast.

    Great fun, Rob. And not only is the gametype and concept totally awesome, but the map was forged spectacularly! Great urban streets feel. I can't wait to see more variations for Takedown in the future! I may even have to make one myself.'

    Really great job on this Rob, a new favorite for sure.
  3. Silva Sniper

    Silva Sniper Ancient
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    Yay I love to play this with huge parties it is a lot of fun.And nice job the game is very enjoyable and this is a very bnice game probally since the classics came out.Nah just kiddin but sweet dude.
  4. Sotha Sil156

    Sotha Sil156 Ancient
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    Well. I see you posted it. That's good, because I've been trying to get this game since I tested it in your original(?) testing session (either the very first or the very second for that map) back when it was called Red Light District (or something along those lines). And that was several months ago.

    I like the changes you made for the second version of the game, though it is more like what I would call a spin-off rather than a version 2. I can see more people liking the spin-off version if only for it being more casual. Oh well, I'll always like the competitiveness of the serious version.

    By the way, whenever someone refers to cops n' robbers, they'd better be referring to this game, because if they aren't, I'm going to have to keelhaul them.
    #4 Sotha Sil156, Jun 19, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2009
  5. skillkill119

    skillkill119 Ancient
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    haven't u already posted this map i mean it was on here ether yesterday a few days before? i remember reading all of this.

    HANDSOM R0B Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Although I made the gametype and map a while ago I have never posted it to any of the forging communities I am with until now. If you have thte link to where you read this I would really like to see what was written and who it was by.
  7. x DREAM 76 x

    x DREAM 76 x New World Man
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    Looks like a great idea. I like Cops n Robbers and this one seems really cool. I like the fact that you can drive the vehicles during the game play. I will have to DL this and try it will a bunch of friends. Nice pics and the base looks really cool.

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