-Helljumper Map Pack- Get ready for Six maps. All of these maps work with a type of game variant called ODST. This puts you in the boots of one of the most fiercest type of soldiers. This means you ARE NOT a spartan anymore. For example your health does not recharge. You will have to find a Health station. All of these maps work with normal slayer of coarse. I've summed up each map into its own section to make things a little easier. Thanks for reading! Download ODST Slayer Here Quick Tip: Health Recharge Stations Spoiler if you are running low on health just find these stations and pickup the power up. After that you are on way back to the fight. The picture below is a Health Recharge Station Cerulean Spoiler This is an underwater reactor. Maybe that's why it is so blue. Anyhow this is a remake of the first map I've ever made called Reload. 2-6 players. Siege Spoiler This was once a peaceful bridge for underground excavations. But one must never forget, nothing goes untouched by the Covenant. 6-12 player. View Point Spoiler For all you sniping fans, I made something for you. This is one very symmetric, long, 3-story hallway that is made for only Slayer and ODST. 2-6 players. Payload Spoiler Payload is a Halo style version of the ever famous map Shipment that is featured on Call of Duty 4. I personally like Shipment so I thought it could be a good Halo map as well. I am working on having it work with territories, as famous on the original map. 2-8 players. Descention Spoiler This is the new version of Descention the remake of Halo CE's Hang 'em High. I have adjusted the map it. 4-12 players Temple Spoiler This is the last map of the bunch. This was once a forerunner temple, but it is now used by the Covenant as an arena for war prisons to fight to the death. Temple works with Slayer, CTF, and Assault. 2-8 players
Everything except for Temple, Descention, and Siege I think are utterly Feature worthy. This whole map pack reflects the time and effort you put into this, and how well it payed off. My personal favourite is Payload, it reminds me of a place from the ODST Gameplay trailer. The layout is brilliant, and the health station concept is awesome. Though after playing it, a third health station wouldn't go astray. Anyway, this map pack scores a perfect 10/10. It contains something for all kinds of Halo 3 players. Casual, competitive, MLG, it's all there. Great job. Again, 10/10. EDIT: However, on Payload, the Warthogs are easily accessable. You can jump in from the sides.
i like all the maps but i think u should did 2 packs of 3 maps each that way u have more pics but other than that u did a good job
Before anything, take your pictures in Haloscreenshots.net So they wont be in this colossal size. Second: Cerulian reminds me Pokemon... really, not a good name... but the maps seems quite good. Payload is the best one in my opinion. Love the idea of the health recharge station.
Payload and Descension are probably my favorite out of the map pack. You have really outdone yourself with all of these incredible maps. The game type seems kind of lame but that does not really matter. Good job. 4/5