Hey. This is my first map posted here on the Forgehub forums. Hope I do everything right. Excavation on Dig Site The story is this: Archeologists find zombies in ruins. Humans run from zombies. Humans evac. Okay, so the story might be better told by pictures. The human spawn points. Zombie spawn points: Exterior of ruins: Temple ruins: The "Ghost Garage": Blue Ruins: The Red Ruins: Helipad: Map Overview: Alpha Zombies have swords and gravity hammers, regular zombies have swords and plasma pistols. The daring escape! But the zombies have other plans... Boom. Headshot. More info: All zombies have 300% damage resistance and no shields, along with 50% gravity and 300% speed. The humans have standard traits. After 3 minutes a hornet will spawn on the helipad, and a custom powerup and a missile pod will spawn where the humans do. The custom powerup allows zombies weapon pickup for ten seconds, allowing them to obtain the missile pod.
you cant upload images from Bungie you have to emmbed then from an image hosting site. Go to Haloscreenshots.net and type in your gamertag in upper right hand corner then when all your pics appear click on the ones you want to use scroll down and copie the IMG code under the pic then copy and paste that code onto your post.
you can either go to haloscreenshots.net and copy/paste the IMG code. or you can go to bungie.net, save the pictures, and upload the pics to photobucket.
I'm dling now but I have a questio0n since I obviously an'y answer it now cuz I'm still dling and cant play it. Anyway, here it is: The zombies have 300% damage resistance AND 300% speed and 50% grav? Well, how hard is it to kill a zombie, you don't have much time to kill it considering it runs that fast. I'm just concerned other than that it looks great!
It takes one BR headshot to kill a zombie. I dunno about the other weapons. The 300% damage resistance is to discourage camping, and use a Warthog turret instead.
Looks alright. I would make it hard to get out of the site. Have it filled of booby traps like a tomb or something.
Very great playiblility and inter locking. i dled and played with friends its toatly fun. might want to change the name tho, when i first saw it, i thought it said dog ****
I suppose I could remake the inside of the tomb(ruins). I've reached the item limit, so some other things would have to go.
I believe the map would be better off if A. the zombies are a little easier to kill B. the 'ruins' were larger/more complex as you said, since you reached the item limit, you could remove some of the outer buildings to compensate.