The music and sound were on point and you guys actually put time into getting the costumes and the angles for each shot. The fight scenes were a bit dull and kind of made me want to stop the video, but I'll give you leeway because you are just getting into video. You guys can snap off or black out the orange tips of the guns to make them look a little more real and when you are loading the rifle don't actually pump it because you can point out the fake easily. Other then those minor things you did a great job, just clean up the fighting.
Dude take at the scooter and use something else. Also u can clean up the fighting by "implied" segments. For example a guy swings his fist, the next segment is from a different angle with the victim swinging his head from the hit and a contact noise.
Lol that was pretty good man. Nice job. But I'm confused... Which guy is REALLY you? Because I know you have an account named after your gamertag and there's a different face in your vids there. What's up with that?