right here goes. i was sat in my room yesterday doodlin on a piece of paper and i thought of something. can you make a im-moveable object moveable so say if a a truck that was shot out of a man cannon it would knock it away. post if you could help
thats impossible thereis a reason they are called immovable objects. The only way a 'immovable' can be moved is if it is hit by something as it is placed down in forge.
i dont think enyone has found a way to do that sorry EDIT: there is a way in forge with the XAX trick, but were it falls is were it is without moving with monitor
Like it goes what happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object? First you will need to find an unstoppable force in forge and immovable objects can be moved in forge only before they have completely settled
You sound as if you want to be making a wall be able to knock down, or "Crushable" and here's my ideas for you. First decide which map you want to play. Most likely Sandbox, or since you said Truck, Foundry. SANDBOX ~ Make a straight verticle line, or barrier. Then place and stack Block Tiny or Block Smalls upwards to cover the area you want to be able to open. The delete the barrier and you have a moveable wall, but if yu want a floor either do that or make boxes like so... [] [] Then place a pallet bridge on top of them like so.. __ [] [] Now place boxes directly ontop of the first boxes so they are at 1 pallet height above the first boxes. [] [] __ [] [] That will give you a destructable pathway that also looks interlocked in with movable objects. Also you could place wooden bridges close by that area to makee it look as if the path is immovable. (Sandbox Only) FOUNDRY ~ Basically my friend do that same method, only using Barriers, or crates. Hope I was Helpful... :/
I think there should be an option in the object menu to make the object movable or imovable(and possibly set how much force it takes to move it). It would make forge that much cooler.
It is possible to do it but not to re-create or save it, as far as I know. Usually when it happens it is because of lag and where it is on your screen will be different to others. This is also how you can create the illusion of floating.
Although it's VERY impractical, moving immovable objects is possible. Let's say you're on Foundry. Make a rectangular room out of double boxes. Fill the room with every fusion coil and propane tank available. Now lay a double wall on top of the explosives. Throw a grenade into the pit, and observe.