This thread is similar to the Monday thread, its all about how our week went and what you plan to do on the weekend. I'm not sure how well this will work out, but we can try.
Ooooh. Ahhh. Cool thread. Let's see. This week, I was in Florida. In fact, today is the first day, this week, that I have not been there. I spent most of my time on the beach and in the condo. The beach was very nice. The sand was white and the water was cool and clear. I swam most of the time there. I also attempted to build a sand castle and dug a hole. I also went to a water park which was kind of lame. The best rides were closed most of the day. The condo was also great. Internet access, tv, balcony facing the beach, and more. Overall, the vacation was great. This weekend, I will probably settle down a bit. I'll stay on FH and XBL.
Friday, the day of days. The day of the week. Cream of the crop. Arnold of the Terminators. Lets see what I did. Played tennis Died in 100 Degree Heat Went to the pool Died in 100 Degree Heat Got on xbox Punched Heat in the face with my air conditor glove of win. Made a sandwich. Used some lettuce Played Xbox. Played Xbox Played Xbox. Talked to some people Played Xbox. Typed on here. Played XBox Capitalized the B in box for the first time in the post. Thats about it. Pretty bland, if I do say so myself.
Well I worked a little, earned some cash. Drew a little. Played some basketball and got sweaty and gross. Took a lot of showers this week. Rode my bike everywhere. Plan on relaxing this weekend.
I had my bday this week. Uhh.. went to subway, ocean park, saw a movie. Played xbox, went on here, listened to music.. and this weekend I hope to .. .. um.. idk yet. Although, I am goin' to the states in about a week! No, wait... i'm goin' to the beach on sunday for father's day.
Amber came over 3 times this week and e played Halo via MM and LBP. So for the upcoming weekend i hope to get to my 50 on halo, and/or sleep alot (being iv been getting no sleep)
Monday - I went partying. Music, Resort Like Swimming Pool, and a Fight were included. Probably the best day this week... Tuesday - Movies to see a very "old" move: Terminator Salvation. Then I went to bed at like 8:00 p.m. Wednesday - Ditched by house and went up town to hang out (at 10:00 p.m.) We ate dinner and crashed at Meijers until we were kicked out. Thursday - Slept until like 1:00. Then listened to music all day and played games. Then we went and played a game of Basketball with my bro and my parents. Today - Got up at around 11:00 and came here to post this. First time I've been on this forum this week. My brother usually hangs around the house so Its probably him posting ****.
Well, I kept it toned down a bit this week. Just sat home and played xbox and on the internet. Got in trouble of course, I knew that was coming. Grounded for two weeks!! woot woot!! But I can always just get on when their not home, which doesn't make sense to me at all.. Anyways nothing really planned for this weekend, My birthday is tuesday though,... meh
I played some tennis, worked out, hung out with some chicks from North Dakota (I put the wrong state in the Van Nevis thread) twice. One time we watched Hot Fuzz and the second night we saw Star Trek, went to an awesome restaurant, went to my school to mess around and got stopped by security, spent half an hour looking for an ice cream shop then came back to my place. And I played some Battlefield BC and Burnout Paradise. It was a good week. The only thing I don't like about summer is trying to find some lunch. I don't know why, but for some reason I can never decide why to eat for lunch.