"Black Suit Spider Man" I loved the stock... Tried my best, CnC? Suggestions? And since someone will ask... Stock: Spoiler
That's not Venom, that's black suit spiderman. Anyway. Some improvement is needed on the smudging in background. The flow is kind of not there because of the smudging. Also colors don't work to well.
its pretty good i would have prefered it if the extra black spots you made wernt so blury, and also very weird stock
Meh, you didn't get much depth out of this sig. The clipping masks were pretty cool, but they turned out a bit distracting.
What's up with the swirly BG's lately? The swirlyness really contrasts the flow and the colors aren't great. Sharpening is too much also.
ok...idk what your talking about... 1. I didn't add any colors or anything like that? 2. I didn't sharpen at all in this sig
Yes... Obviously I am clueless when it comes to sig making. You sir, are an idiot. The red is what you get when you oversharpen. Anyone that has ever used the manual sharpening tool knows that. The purple is the swirly non-flowing **** you added I didn't say you added color. They just don't look good. Black and puke don't mix. You could have tried correcting it if you were any good. That is what filters and color correction tools are for. I'm usually not rude but the above post was made by an arrogant asshole who obviously doesn't know what he is talking about. Good day sirs.
Yeah, I didn't mean to say it like that haha I just didn't understand what he was talking about cause I didn't add color or sharpen so I was just like wtf