Snipers Paradise

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by coleStamey, Mar 29, 2008.

  1. coleStamey

    coleStamey Ancient
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    Snipers Paradise
    Created by ColeStamey
    Supported Gametypes:
    Team Sniper
    Shotty Snipes

    Map Description
    A true test of a versatile Sniper. This map features two bases, three Sniper towers, and much more. The style is more of a duck and cover type of game rather than the long range Sniping that other maps offer. Check out the pictures and give it a chance, the gameplay will speak for itself. Great for 2v2, 3v3.
    [size=10pt]Sniper Hut[/size]
    [img width=800 height=600][/img]
    [br]Staircase Modified with Cover
    [img width=774 height=800][/img]
    [size=10pt]Sniper Tower 1[/size]
    [img width=800 height=600][/img]
    [size=10pt]First Base[/size]
    [img width=800 height=300][/img]
    [size=10pt]Hit the Gravity Lift to reach the top of the Sniping Tower[/size].
    [size=10pt]Section of Second Base[/size]
    [img width=644 height=800][/img]
    [size=10pt]Shelter with Window[/size]
    [img width=800 height=300][/img]
    [size=10pt]Sniper Hut[/size]
    [size=10pt]Sniper Tower 3[/size]
    [img width=800 height=600][/img]
    Dude. You know you want to click that button directly below this.

    Download The Map Snipers Paradise
    Gametypes are Shotty Snipes and Team Snipers
  2. Egoender

    Egoender Ancient
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    Re: Spiners Paradise - A Perfect map for Shotty Snipes and Team Sniper


    A sniper map!
  3. Billy Reloaded

    Billy Reloaded Ancient
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    Re: Spiners Paradise - A Perfect map for Shotty Snipes and Team Sniper

    It looks mediocre. That's to say that there is no interlocking, or any other advanced forging techniques. It's just more a bunch of ramshackle bunkers packed into foundry.

    Oh and your title should be changed One, you spelt snipers wrong and two, title of the map only, no short description. Snipers Paradise A perfect map for shotty snipers and team snipers - A perfect map for shotty snipers and teams snipers = Snipers Paradise = :D
  4. coleStamey

    coleStamey Ancient
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    Re: Spiners Paradise - A Perfect map for Shotty Snipes and Team Sniper

    First of all "Billy," The goal of the map was not to show off my architectural abilities, but to create a different style Sniper map that provides great Gameplay (After all i do have a life aside form forge). Second of all i didn't post this to have it picked apart by people who feel that their negative comments are needed. If that were the case then i would have mentioned something about your Half Ass Glowing Edges Photoshop Skills.

  5. Billy Reloaded

    Billy Reloaded Ancient
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    *Sigh*, your misconception of what I said amuses me. First I did not rag on your "gameplay" merely the condition of the scenery, keyword "It looks..".

    Secondly, that was more of constructive criticism because I didn't come to this thread and just say "Dude wtf that sux ass, why are u even posting on this website becuz it's only 4 leet ppl. I hate ur map."

    Plus I don't need to mention that bringing my signature into this makes absolutely no sense, we are discussing maps here.
  6. G-Bag

    G-Bag Ancient
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    I'm just going to jump in here with a random comment that in no way whatsoever pertains to this topic..

    Red script is annoying, is difficult to read, and is just plain ugly. What is that, a cry for attention?? Not enough female attention in your life? Use black, be kind to readers.

    It's not like it is original or clever anyway.
  7. DrGregoryHouse

    DrGregoryHouse Ancient
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    Re: Spiners Paradise - A Perfect map for Shotty Snipes and Team Sniper

    You just hit a big sour note with the members of Forge Hub -- Grats, 2 posts and you've already probably turned half the community against you (and your future map making). Forging is a meticulous project to take up and only the best of the best master it (And I'm not that good at it, so I'm not at a biased standpoint.)

    But to look at the stuff the Guilders and Members here make with Forge and to say that is like saying "I'm better than all of you, and I don't waste my time with this crap. So I'm going to post something I whipped up in half an hour and you're gonna like it." And by the way, in the word, "from," the R comes before the O. Don't believe me? Look it up. See? I can point out irrelevant things too!

    Your second post here and you're already being an arse toward an FH member, who judging by rank and post count, has WAY more respect here than you do/ever will. Don't shoot down people who give you constructive criticism, otherwise people will never even look at your maps. They'll say, "Oh, it's that Cole guy. Ignore that. Hey, look! Is that a cheesecake made out of barriers and fence walls!?"

    Billy is right. His sig on FH has nothing to do with his review of your map. You're just absentmindedly looking for a crappy insult to launch at him just because he didn't instantaneously fall in love with your map.

    As for your map itself, if this is targeted for Team Snipers and Shotty Snipers, I would think this would be posted in the "Competitive" subcategory. Casual maps are those targeted for "casual" gametypes such as CTF, and what not. The map looks like you didn't spend much time making it and it has nothing to it to begin with. It's just a bunch of random items cast all over a Foundry canvas. Looking at your screenshots, it seems that if I don't feel like sniping/being sniped, I can just go hide in the back hallway and ignore you all. Block off parts you don't use.

    This map has potential if you spend more time on it. But saying that you have a life outside of Forge and adding insult to injury isn't going to make people like your maps anymore. You're probably here in the first place because the people on BNet got sick of you quickly.

    Be Smart. Don't diss the people who're reviewing your map.
  8. coleStamey

    coleStamey Ancient
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    Re: Spiners Paradise - A Perfect map for Shotty Snipes and Team Sniper

    Let me start by apologizing for that statement. I in know way meant it the way many of you are taking it. My purpose was to state that i do not have as much time/skill, to devote to it as others do. That being, my first objective was playability rather than aesthetic qualities, which are more difficult to be mastered.

    Billy can like the map or not that is his choice i understand. It just caught me off guard because personally, i would never call anyones work "a bunch of ramshackle bunkers" even if it is junk.
  9. DrGregoryHouse

    DrGregoryHouse Ancient
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    Yes well, like it or not, you are showing your map to a lot of experienced Forgers here who are over the top in skill. (I'm not one of those, for the record.) When you post it here, expect criticism. That's why you post the map in the first place, is to see what others think. And a lot of others will have bad things to say! You can't post a map here and expect comments to resemble that of a Care Bear Hug. When you post a map here, expect Dora the Explorer...with an MP7.
  10. InventiveLizard

    InventiveLizard Ancient
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    It doesn't really look big enough to snipe. Now I don't really judge maps on looks, and I'm not good at it myself. I would play team BR on it and add some more scenery.
  11. super trooper88

    super trooper88 Ancient
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    I'm sorry, but I didn't see any sort of "constructive" criticism in your first post.  I understand what you were trying to say, but saying that the map is mediocre and that it is nothing more than a few ramshackle bunkers does not help him improve his skills as a forger in any way.

    To Cole, I think you had the right ideas with your map and with some help from the tutorials on Forge Hub, I think you could turn this into an aesthetically pleasing map to go along with the gameplay.
  12. DrGregoryHouse

    DrGregoryHouse Ancient
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    If your kid throws a fit in public about why you won't let him have a pretzel, do you give him the most polite thing about why he doesn't do that? And then when he throws a similar fit a week later, politely try to set him straight again? No. To get people to learn sometimes, you have to be harsh. And unfortunately hardcore criticism is what is necessary for any work of art, be it the Mona Lisa or a sniper spree setup for Halo.
  13. coleStamey

    coleStamey Ancient
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    I understand where you are coming from but theres just a few things. One this isn't a life lesson to my son, and two, the only thing being harsh is going to do is make people less likely to post their maps. I don't feel that's a good quality in a gaming community.
  14. DrGregoryHouse

    DrGregoryHouse Ancient
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    Well, aside from BNet, FH is the only place I know of at the moment to publish your map. And if you think FH's criticism is bad, then just wait until you see the BNet community. It's social de-evolution at it's finest.
  15. Thesm

    Thesm Ancient
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    Might review and rate later, could be better on standoff sinse standoff is large but looks really good!

    Billy.. um foundry objects are already interlocked..
  16. Bottlecap

    Bottlecap Ancient
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    I love sniping and MLG, and I love the way you have made this map. You have my download.
  17. super trooper88

    super trooper88 Ancient
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    Gregory... what I was trying to get at was that there should be some constructive criticism instead of unnecessary harshness that will not help him improve.  Telling him that it is bad is one thing, but telling him its bad and then telling him how to improve on it is much much better.  What you are saying is true, but what I meant is that there should be something that will help him to see what could be wrong with it, along tips on how he could possibly fix it.

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