Sandbox Ethereal

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by GR4V3mind117, Jun 18, 2009.

  1. GR4V3mind117

    GR4V3mind117 Ancient
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    Well... This is My latest Map, Ethereal. It is kinda like my previous Map, Vein. Which didn't go to well, :'( But anyway,


    Plasma Pistol X4

    Missle Pod X2

    Sniper Rifle X2

    Machine Gun Turret X2

    Plasma Turret X2

    Spartan laser X1


    Mongoose X2

    Prowler X2

    Banshee X2


    Blue Base Door (Both Are Identical)

    Red Base Garage (Again, Both Are Identical)

    Inside of Blue Base (Both Bases Are Identical)

    Ethereal : Halo 3 File Details

    Well, There is Ethereal. Tell Me How you like it Please,
    #1 GR4V3mind117, Jun 18, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 20, 2009
  2. oh knarly

    oh knarly Ancient
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    Looks well constructed and I especially like the back of the bases. However, one nag of concern that stands out would be the lack of middle ground. It seems that a player is either on the ground level or much higher on top of the buildings and from experience I can say this situation hardly works well for game play.

    I would suggest making the stuctures between bases more functional towards the gameplay, rather than mainly decorative.
  3. Ozarka

    Ozarka Ancient
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    Wow, well the architecture is very well forged. The bases look splendid and neatly designed. I also like the addition of the team banshees. It reminds me of a valhalla/blood gulch styled map. However, the weapon list does seem a bit too overpowering. I get that you wanted to balance out the banshees with power weapons, but I think you might have overdid them. I would personally suggest taking out both missile pods, and possibly adding one more spartan laser, just to even things out. And lastly, it does seem a tad bit too open, but I will have to play it for myself to really find out. Great map, got a dl from me.

    P.S. off topic, but did you ever fix that link to your map in my contest to the one with the wooden bridges?
  4. GR4V3mind117

    GR4V3mind117 Ancient
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    Thanks Ozarka, I can fix the link soon can't do it now, My basement is flooded (No pun intended) I'll fix the link as soon as its not flooded, Lol
  5. Trix

    Trix Ancient
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    the bases seem well constructive but the lack of cover and advantages that contibute to map control are lessened. in other words if you control the middle of the map it wont help out as much as it should in other maps.
  6. Ozarka

    Ozarka Ancient
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    lol. well that sucks dude. Hope ya can get it fixed soon! :D (your basement, i mean)
    And after looking at the pics some more, ive got a couple questions.
    Is that steep ramp on the back of each base walk-(?)able.
    And also where are the snipes located? the circular rooms on top of the bases?
  7. GR4V3mind117

    GR4V3mind117 Ancient
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    You mean the Large Ramps that are next to the door? No. It is Not possible to walk up the ramps to the 'Shees. And yeah, Snipers in the Left Tower, Plasma Turret Locked into the Slit walls on the Right Tower
  8. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
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    I personally do not like your weapons list at all. No AR's? BR's? At least one Rocket? It's quite common to have those weapons on a map such as this. Two turrets in both types isn't really a good idea. Try sticking to one type of turret and give one for each team.

    The prowler isn't really a fan favorite, so I'm not sure how that would turn out.

    From the pics, I can only see a Radar Jammer and a Trip Mine for equipment. And where are the grenades? I strongly recommend you to move the Trip Mine to the outside of the base and replace the Radar Jammer with a Power Drain and a Bubble Shield (Either you pick one, or you can also place both) per team.

    The bases are too high, and from the way I see it, there are limited routes to go up the base. Add more pathways and ramps.

    Good luck.
  9. Alienator

    Alienator Ancient
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    In some places it looks a little cluttered but overall it looks pretty nice. One of the things that worries me are the banshees, Once one gets in the air the other one will be destroyed. And after that the missle pod will be the opposing teams only chance. This however can be guarded. This however may not be a problem, but I guess I will find out. I personally usually try to stay away from flying vehicles.

    SPACEMAN Ancient
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    The bases look good, what worries me is I’m not sure if there’s enough cover in the middle of the map other than that this looks like it plays well, nice job
  11. GR4V3mind117

    GR4V3mind117 Ancient
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    I'll post V1.2 When my basement is dry
  12. NOV3D

    NOV3D Ancient
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    Appearance- 1.4-Work Of Art
    game play- 0.2-Razer Blades and Lemon Juice
    Originality- 0.2-Mirror
    presentation- 0.3-Boring

    Over all= 2/5

    I am really sorry to tell you I had high hopes but this map stomped the BLEEP out of my hope because the game play was terrible at first it was ok but then people started to spawn in the crypt and spawned in the middle of the battle field!
    OUCH OUCH OUCH it was painful to play but then again you had a great idea going and if you were to fix the spawn points and a few weapons
    I think this map could be great. :)

  13. SK Aleks

    SK Aleks Ancient
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    The map idea is good and all but you need to improve on the middle and add some more cover or something. The weapons seem too awkward like where are the BR's and AR's? As for the vehicles I'm not to happy with the prowler idea maybe a warthog would be better. I really don't think you should put banshee's in the map since it's a small map. I do realize you need to balance the banshee's out with a missle pod like Valhalla, but you could just take them out and keep the spartan laser.

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