This is just me and a friend messing around. Throwing granades at eachother. We suck, but a few turned out decent. I'm going to take real pictures later tonight with a friend.
I like the last 2. the first, while the effect isnt new i like the bars in the background. and your last, my fav, is awesome, i like how the green light breaking through the tree. Awesome contrast.
I like them all but the last looks the best in my opinion the green in the backround sets a nice tone for the pic.
How do you get that effect that makes the spartan look cell shaded? That's amazing. 9/10 on this set of pics. Nice effect.
2nd is best IMO. Ghost town is easy and hard to get pictures on...You should try avalanche in the man cannon cave.
Much like everyone else, I like the last one the best. The green just looks great, and the plants in front of it look great. I don't love the fact that the Spartan is wearing a security helmet, it tends to be blotchy, as it is in this picture. But not bad. Not great, but not bad.