im making a map.. its a HARD obsticle course map, and im just wondering not trying to sound like a idiot, but how would i get in contact with bungie, so they can like help me with this contest? because i was thinking about giving away 1600 microsoft points, but honestly i dont think 1600 MS points is enough, this is just a question, and i've really been trying to figure this out.. :frustrated:
You...don't. If your looking for bungie prizes, they will come to you, if I'm not mistaken. They don't want to be bothered by every contest there.
Why don't you just hold one here at forgehub? Lots of people are interested in winning $$$, and even though I suck at most obstacle courses, even I'll give it a try. 1600 points is easily enough to get lots of attention here.
its for someone who compets the obsitcle course i think but im not to clear on the rules you might want to host it on here alot of people will be interested especially for MS,
Why dont you do the contest here?. Lots of people are intrested in get Teh Points. What are the rules?
He fears it may be too hard for the small population of ForgeHub to achieve.. therefore he is attempting to reach a greater crowd.
Good Point, but we all must start off somewhere small, am i right? Try forgehub first, noones wins the try other places like it, if its popular enough perhaps one of them will get it, but i'm sure the clever map-makers of The Hub will be about to beat it one way or another! so start here, start out small, or you look like on of those guys who sare like "bunjeh l00kz at m3h m4pZ CaN i haz Reconz!" which i doubt you are