_________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ If you fell for this, you are more gullible than I thought possible.
Ouch. On the off chance, does that mean you get to stay home away from work/school and play Halo all day? @ Penguin: Lol, epic-win.
Is it on your toilet? And it looks like you rubbed your foot with a pencil. Your toes are bending in ways I never thought possible.
_________________________________________________APRIL FOOLS!!!_________________________________________________ Its not broken, I was barefoot in my black work shoes because they have a hole in them and didn't want my socks to get wet when I scrubbed the floor. I took them off when I got home and realized that the floor cleaner had dissolved the die from my shoes and stained my foot. My first thought was that it looked like a bruise. I thought, what the hell, I want to see if people will fall for it, and fall for it they did. By the way, there was no point.
_________________________________________________ SOI SOI SOI SOI SOI SOI SOI SOI SOI SOI SOI SOI SOI SOI _________________________________________________ I've been using Code: [color=white] for a while, its pretty fun because people don't notice it.