iNFiNiTY Intro iNFiNiTY, a world with endless possibilites and no limits. This floating creation is said to be a tribute to those warriors lost in battle. Their contributions cannot be measured and their memories will last for eternity. Design iNFiNiTY is a completely symmetrical map located in the Sky Bubble portion of Sandbox. Designed to work with FFA, Team Slayer, CTF, KotH, Oddball, and Assault. My original idea for this map was to create a map with an outer ring where vehicles would rampage freely, and an interior area which was connected to the outer ring. Then I decided to create a mancannon lift at each base. The idea is that if the player is in a vehicle they are launched from one side to the other, but if the player is on foot they are sent to a central base. I decided not to have an entire ring on the outside to force players to venture into the heart of the map, where the carnage ensues. Changes were made along the way, and the result is now know as iNFiNiTY. Screenshots Overview Bird's eye view-top mid (sky bridge) Blue garage Blue base (Power drain, BR, and Carbine spawn) Blue tunnel (BR, frags, and bubble shield spawn) Blue mauler Blue elbow (Brute shot and stickies) Blue ramp (Dual plasma rifles on blue, spikers on red) Bottom mid (OS spawn) Top mid (Splazer spawn) Action shots! Are you sure that is how you are supposed to drive a ghost? No, this is how... Not the pink mist again! Yes, Weber did stick me while going through the lift... Downoad iNFiNiTY here! As always, thanks for your time and don't forget to download, comment and rate. Let me know what you like and dislike. If you like iNFiNiTY, be sure to check out my other maps and let me know what you think. Recieving feedback is always my favorite part about Forge Hub. Thanks for providing a great Halo 3 Forge community!
If you enter the lift on foot, you will go from point A to point B as shown here. If you enter the lift in a vehicle, you will go from point A to point B as shown here.
Wow this map looks great , the aesthetics look really nice but the game play also looks really good. I like the grav lift jumps, and think you should hide the shield door above a bit.
Hmmm, on closer inspection I can see a few rough edges, but no-one's perfect. It looks pretty decent, although you ahould make the weapon sets symmetrical as well (i.e. have one spiker and one PR at each base) You put a surprising amount of time into this post too. But I guess that's because you feel that you put lots of time into this map. I don't think including Ghosts was really a good idea though. No matter how much I like vehicular combat, this map is roughly Assembly's size, so Ghosts really don't suit the size (or flow) of the map. But I really like some of the little things in the map too. For example, those weird, opposite-direction 'elbow' barriers, and the way it's actually shaped like an infinity sign. Good job. I'll clear some space so I can DL.
You are really good at forge ehand88. I have seen your other maps too, and this map is good just like the other maps you made. I am waiting for more maps from you. This map looks easy, but very fun.
The idea and setup were near perfect. Great concept and layout for a slayer map. I do agree i hate the shield doors and the goose/ghost just seems a little pointless. It would come across much more professional if you left those out IMO. But that's just my opinion, the other maps you have made are brilliant as well. This probably wouldn't work too well with CTF as you could bascially run the flag from one base to the other via the top mid section but maybe the map is bigger in person. Have you tried it?
nice map. what i like is that you interlock your objects... maybe i would delet some vehicles. i think there are too much one your map but overall nice work
Thank you all for the comments. The shield bridge up top is there to give the vehicles an extra boost to get across, even though sometimes you don't need it. I will probably remove the 'gooses, but I think the ghosts actually work pretty well on this map. And about CTF, I don't think there should be an issue with going across the middle because that is usually where most of the traffic is, and the only way to get completely to the other side is to use a vehicle. Once I remove the mongooses that should not be an issue. BTW, the flag is located in the tunnel on each side.
Yeah, maybe add a ceiling. Nevertheless, the map is great! A cracked up at the pink mist part, because the Needler is my favorite Halo weapon! In fact... muahahaha-never mind.
Looks like a great map for slayer,or maybe CTF. The map does seem somewhat small for 2 ghosts, but that's just from my impression. The map is very smoothly forged, good job on that. I was going to ask why there was a shield door over the center, but then you answered that in your second post. That was a really original idea. Overall it looks like a good map.
Thanks again for all the comments. I think the gameplay is pretty fun on this map with the ghosts and all. I am thinking about making another version of this map without vehicles, and I have a few other changes in mind. But I can always use some more ideas, so let me know if you have any good ones and I will consider them.
Yah i would get rid of the vehicles they usually dont work on competitive sky bubble maps unless they are air craft. Anyway my only complant is the vehicles but the rest of the map looks fantastic i would dl but i have to many maps in my h-drive right now i might dl later once i clear it. But the shape of it is pretty cool and i like the bases i give it a 4/5. Also you should make the shield door look a little more nicer because a shield door just floating above the map looks kinda bad but the rest of the map does look good i'll give you that. Keep on forging and i'll look out for more from you.
if you were to drive in really slowly in a ghost and hold the airbrake on, couldn't you get on top of the light bridge thing and camp there? i know your diagram shows that a vehicle will go all the way over, but you could probably do it..
I think this map looks real good that center piece caught my eye at first one thing i could say is you could have gone without the mongoose and the ghost.But overall I think it wasa very well drawn out map good job.