Sandbox Blamnation H1

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by XxmrmojorisinxX, May 4, 2009.

  1. XxmrmojorisinxX

    XxmrmojorisinxX Ancient
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    Blamnation H1 ( Damnation Remake )
    Created by xXMrMojoRisinXx

    Supported Gametypes:
    Supports all gametypes

    Map Description
    This is a remake of Damnation from Halo 1. Same weapon layout and same spawn timers. All weapons are on drop spawns to simulate the Halo 1 spawn times. Weapons and power ups spawn much faster in Halo 1 than in Halo 3. The lack of fall damage in Halo 3 makes this map play more fast paced.

    I have played 4-7 person FFA's, 1v1's and 2v2's on this map. Crazy king is great. I have not been able to play any 4v4's on this map yet. I think it could be a little crowded but it would support them. By the way anyone interested in playing customs on this or any other map send FR to xXMrMojoRisinXx

    UPDATE: Replaced block walls at shotty spawn with double walls...Now shotty area looks much more like the original. Also smoothed out a couple small bumps. Added the platform at sniper door. Blamnation H1.3 has several other minor improvements over H1.2







    Thanks for checking this out and I hope you enjoy.

    Download Blamnation H1.3
    #1 XxmrmojorisinxX, May 4, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2009
  2. Spectrum1012

    Spectrum1012 Ancient
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    Wow this looks really well thought out and implemented... props. I'll give it a fly through and give some more feedback soon!

    Wow, I can tell that a lot of care and attention went into this map. You made this so close to the original! This must have been one heck of a task budgeting... although you still have 15$ left, which you should probably fix the hole in the wall (at the lower base). Other than that, I think you put the drop spawning weapons too high up, they fall and bounce sometimes, making them look untidy. Very nicely forged otherwise, this map would definitely be playable, and definitely reminds me of Damnation!

    #2 Spectrum1012, May 4, 2009
    Last edited: May 4, 2009
  3. Mr Garfunkle

    Mr Garfunkle Ancient
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    This is a very accurate remake. This was one of my favorite HCE maps to play. It is very clean and the merges are well done. Are the weapons the same? A weapons list would be nice. I know the weapons cant be exactly the same, because there was 2 shotguns in the last one, but the weapon set worked very well for the original. One of the better remakes I've seen, nice job 4.5/5
  4. RabidZergling

    RabidZergling Ancient
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    Although I've never played the original, I can safely say that this is an awesome map.
    It plays really well, the weapon balance is superb, and the forging couldn't be better.
  5. EditorMax

    EditorMax Ancient
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    I loved this map in halo 1 and been waiting for a good remake and i didnt get that.. right here we got an excellent remake.

    So great work and keep it up! :D

  6. Apollo

    Apollo Ancient
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    Anytime i see that someone has used the skybubble to create a map im simply amazed lol. I've tried numerous times and it never comes out as neat and symmetrical as it does when i forge in mail level of sandbox. I think it has to do with the grids being near useless after you build your floor in the skybubble and im a really bad judge of where things need to go on their own. That said, your scaling is near perfect. Going through the map i felt like i already knew every turn and jump to make even though this was the first time seeing it this way. Your usage of walls to prevent leaving the map "illegally" is very budgetwise and cleanly merged. I've only had a chance to give it a walkthrough so ill leave additional feedback on playability once i playtest. Aesthetically - 5/5
  7. TheClubhouse

    TheClubhouse Ancient
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    This is an amazing remake. I actually hated the original, but to even attempt to remake this is awsome. Very well made!
  8. XxmrmojorisinxX

    XxmrmojorisinxX Ancient
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    Thanks for all your feedback and comments. I do appreciate the input.

    @ Slobby Knuggs
    I haven't had a chance to play infection on Blamnation yet. I bet you're right, it would be awsome. The starting spawns are set up for infection. So please let me know what you think when you try it.
  9. Optic

    Optic Ancient
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    Best remake of Damnation I have seen yet. Great work.
  10. XxmrmojorisinxX

    XxmrmojorisinxX Ancient
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    Updated the download link with new version. Made some changes to shotty area, added ledge at sniper door and tweaked a few spawn points.
  11. macpatterson

    macpatterson Ancient
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    Looks great and plays like the original. You CAN escape, grenade jumps can get you around the top of the map very easily. Of course if you make the gravity like it H1, and it would work, but I would like to see if there is a way if you could take your $15 and make it a little more escape proof. Great job tho.
  12. XxmrmojorisinxX

    XxmrmojorisinxX Ancient
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    Thanks for the feedback. You can get on top of several external walls. I tried to make it so you couldn't get out of sight when on the walls. It's kind of a risk to reward situation. You really don't stand to gain much from being on the wall but you risk falling to your death or being shot at without any cover to save you.

    If anyone has played 4v4 on Blamnation H1 I would like to know how it played. I still havn't been able to try that. We did play a 3v3 team slayer recently and it was very good. Also, 2v2 team king playes very well. Most of my gameplay has been FFA with about 6 people. I would appreciate any gameplay feedback.
  13. llll HAWK llll

    llll HAWK llll Ancient
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    Congrats on the second place finish, you deserve it. I would also like to try 4v4 on this map, I think it would work great.

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