I seriously can't wait for this. But honestly, am I the only one here who hasn't wondered when they'll install the Orange Islands in one of the games? Think about it, with the DS's features, you could probably make a few neat story-oriented mini-games to go along with the islands' challenges that were in the TV series (I'll admit I watched that far but after the orange islands bit, I lost interest in the TV and just went to the games).
Rofl. Nintendo trying to make fat lazy gamers fit. Again. Am I not the only one picturing some fat kid shaking the pedometer sitting on his couch?
QFT. Myself being one of those players. But it'll still be a great game to play through, though this was my least favorite generation.
Man...I'm still playing Platinum. I'm hoping for a pokemon game that involves every island in the Pokemon series. With every pokemon, including legendary. And to meet Ash Ketchum and get destroyed by him because his Pikachu should be way over lvl 100.
Ahem, his name was RED, not Ash. that is all. Silver was the best pokemon game ever imo, but **** no im not gonna catch em all, i already caught all 151 pokemon and got my stupid certificate, im not gonna go trough that again... now im just gonna catch the cool looking pokemon i like, and raise the crap out of em. >
Johto sounds like the spanish word Joto which means gay, therefore, i giggle in my head every time i hear Pokemon Johto
Oh wow. I bet fat people find it easier to train the pokemon sitting down and playing the game though.
Yes. Pokemon is still in the top 10 best selling gaming franchises there. Just because you have moved away from it does not mean that other people did. So, to answer your question, yes. More people still play Pokemon then play Halo.
I miss the old rival. He was pretty sick despite looking like a slightly overweight chick. lol. What versions are we all getting? I'll probably get SS b/c Lugia is the ****. edit: original rival oh and i wish they would remake crystal because that was sick.