Yeah so I just got unbanned today, and apparently I have 3 permanent infractions so I can't slip up at all. You would have thought that a 20 day banhammer would have been enough, but thats not up to me. Anyways, I apologize to anybody who was affected by my actions (boosting profile views if you did not know) and hope that maybe people can forgive me?
You could make another account i know telling you this will probably earn me my veery own infraction though.
nothing gets by you.. 3 infractions you loose of topic until they wear off, 3 perm infractions, you loose off topic and sigs for good.
He put a rock or something on his keyboard (f5 button) and slept overnight. I remember him telling me that at a test.
burned 3 gigs of bandwidth boosting profile views. lol. He created a proxy account and then like xylom said, placed something on the f5 button, refreshing his page constantly.
Welcome back Dow, but I must ask, was there really any point making this thread? The introductions forum is for new members to introduce themselves, not for someone who has been banned to announce that they're back. Either way welcome back, this time don't get yourself banned.
Introductions is for members that were banned. It is a way to announce that you are back on forgehub. If not for the introduction thread how would you expect them to do that?
It mentions nothing about re-introducing yourself to the forum. Please excuse my mistake. By the way, everyone would have noticed that they were back in due time anyway.
I've done something similar in Pokemon. I couldn't get my goddamn Togepi to evolve so I went to that ironworks place (with all of the spinny tile things), gave it a Soothe Bell, and sat a rock on my DS's up arrow on the d-pad and went to bed. XD The next morning the bastard evolved! And then I shiny stoned that mo'fo' so I now have a ParaHaxFlinchKiss.
Don't worry Dow, we will never stop loving your avatar Welcome back. Looks like no OT for you. You'll have to make do with GC lol. Why exactly did you want to boost your views? And what is with your 3 perma-infractions?