Sandbox Park-it!

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by TheClubhouse, Jun 18, 2009.

  1. TheClubhouse

    TheClubhouse Ancient
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    Park-it! is an unsymetrical map built with one flag in mind. The map contains 7 stuctures, all of them have interiors that are accessible, most of them multi-leveled. The map at first might not seem too large, but it is VERY layered. There's alot of playing room on this map. I tried not to merge the pieces too much, but had to in alot of places to give it that buttery smoothness everyone loves.
    I have posted much earlier versions of this map on this site & some other sites, but I'm done messing around with it, and will be submitting it into Atlas probably next week when I get the three vids done PROPERLY. (Ya, had issues...)
    I made this map so that there is MANY ways of accessing the main defensive building. Rooftop access through the one-way teleporter, second floor bridge, two main floor enterances. The defensive building also has a window in the center of it. (Dramitically reduces camping). The game gets epic if the defenders stop the attackers on their way back. With plenty of guns, cover and nades... prepare for slaughter.
    Thanks alot to the guys in the Testers guild and the Gophers for testing and re-testing this map. Even when we were just customing it up, I was looking for things to correct. Since the last time this map was posted here, the attacker base is different, the defensive base has a window added. The parkade surface is different and the raised surfaced has been cleaned up. In fact, the whole map has been cleaned up considerably. I took everyones advice, from removing the gauss hog to reducing the rocket clips. The only suggestion I didn't take was the name change. Thanks again. While this map is done, I'm still willing to change crap if you guys have more feedback!

    Designed and tested for bigger-team battles. (10 - 16 players)

    Download Park-it! here:

    The map is set-up for:
    One flag, Multi-flag
    Team Slayer
    One bomb, Neutral bomb, Assault
    VIP, One-sided VIP

    Battle Rifle x 9
    Spiker x 2
    Smg x 1
    Plasma Rifle x 1
    Plasma Pistol x 2
    Bruteshot x 2
    Shotgun x 2 (60 second respawn, 1 extra clip)
    Mauler x 2
    Sniper x 2 (90 second respawn, 1 extra clip)
    Rocket x 2 (150 second respawn, no extra clip)
    Carbine x 2
    Needler x 2

    Warthog x 2 (150 second respawn)
    Mongoose x 3 (45 second respawn)
    Ghost x 1 (120 second respawn)

    Regenerator x 1
    Energy drain thing x 1
    Grav lift x 1
    Active-camo x 1
    Overshield x 1

    1. Defensive building
    2. Active camo building (connected to defensive building by bridge)
    3. Parkade
    4. Attackers building
    5. Warehouse (made to look like its under-construction)
    6. Teleporter shack (Access to the teleporter from roof of this building)
    7. Rocket hut (Houses attacker's rocket)

    Bottom-Front door enterance to base.

    Back-side of Defensive building. Shows rear-enterance and warthog parking

    Defensive building rooftop. (shows the sender teleport in other corner of map)

    Inside of Defensive building. (Second floor)

    Side-view of Active-Camo building (showing main bottom enterance at left corner)

    Top-view of the Active-Camo Building (Second floor bridge leads to Defensive building)

    #3 PARKADE
    Overview of the Parkade (Top level)

    Side ramp of Parkade

    Parkade other side. (Shows bottom level enterance)

    Bottom level of parkade (Shows ramp to upper floor and at right is enterance to drainage tunnel)

    Drainage tunnel (from the inside of lower Parkade. Leads to the Attackers base)

    Front-side of the Attackers base (three stories tall, excellent sniping from floor 3)

    Attackers base (wooden ramp adds another enterance to floor 2)

    Warehouse top-front view

    Teleporter shack (Access to the sender teleport from the rooftop)

    The Rocket Shack..... houses a rocket.

    Shows the other end of the drainage tunnel & at right is the back alley.

    Download link is at the top!
    Hope you guys like this map, it took a long time making it, testing it, re-making it, re-testing it, ect...
  2. skillkill119

    skillkill119 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    awesome map and a definite DL from me u did a good job looks smoothly merged.
    i'll edit this post after i test it idk if i can test it tonight though
  3. oh knarly

    oh knarly Ancient
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    Some great ideas and forging, especially the drainage system. Very clever. Not sure about the 2 warthogs though, I would love to try this out and inspect the buildings more but I doubt I'll have time in the near future. From what I can see, it looks very impressive.
  4. TheClubhouse

    TheClubhouse Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks! The warthogs aren't really that effective on this map. Only the one side where there is the two large buildings is there enough room to get a decent run on them. Once they're brought to the attackers side, its too crowded.

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