Your Trophy Achievements?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Chronic Fate, Jun 16, 2009.

  1. Chronic Fate

    Chronic Fate Ancient
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    What are the hardest achievements that you have gotten, or perhaps attempted to gain?

    Mine would probably contain my many failed attempts at the Annual Vidmaster achievement on Halo 3. Also the Call of Duty series is known for its daringly hard and time consuming Veteran mode.

    I've came across many difficult achievements that I hope of completing...
  2. GR4V3mind117

    GR4V3mind117 Ancient
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    Kick the Bucket for Guitar Hero II, Beat Jordan (The Hardest song in game,) on expert, never got it though.:cry::cry::cry:
  3. makisupa007

    makisupa007 Ancient
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    The hardest two for me were the Vidmaster Challenge with the ghosts at the end of the game and the double kill with a Spartan Laser in FFA.

    I probably attempted the ghost challenge 6 times before I got it. Most of the time someone would have to leave before the game was over. The second to last time we made it all the way to the final jump right at the very end of the level. Just as we were about to go over screen.......and then were back in the lobby. It was maddening after spending nearly 2 hours fighting our way to the end.

    The double kill with the spartan laser would be easy if you could do it in a team game. Just laser a warthog and you're done. Getting two enemy players to line up and hold still long enough to get your shot off, if you've managed to control the laser during the game, took me forever.
  4. V

    V Ancient
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    Mile High Club for CoD4 was a fun little achievement to get. Annoying at first but once you can control the events it's cake. I could beat it in my sleep now if I still owned the game but that's neither here nor there. Still there are few things more enjoyable than watching that plain go up in smoke after you've taken out a hundred or so baddies in record time.

    Also, for that matter, any mission in the CoD series is always a little rewarding to beat in Veteran.

    What else? Hmm...suicide missionary for Gears 2 was fun. Many nights with my cousin were wasted on that little feat. Ah good times.

    Keys to the City in GTA IV is one I'm currently working on. It's more time consuming than challenging, but yeah I just really want to get it.

    Getting all of the original Halo 3 achievements (legit, too) was a fun little adventure. I actually got my Triple and Overkill achievements on a whim together in, like, my second or third time playing Guardian with the Grav Hammer and a sticky. Took forever to get Steppin' Razor, ironically, though.
  5. Nightfire

    Nightfire Ancient
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    Call of Duty World at War Downfall Veteran mission...I don't have it, but I beat it at someone else's house. I was sad realizing I wasn't on my account.
  6. Pigglez

    Pigglez Ancient
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    The Wax Off achievement in Geometry Wars Evolved. That was hard.
    Beating campaign on Legendary in Halo 3. I could never get anyone to help me beat it, so I had to playthrough by myself and that wasn't very easy.

    And beating Elizabeth Greene in Prototype. I don't remember if there was an achievement with it, I think there was, but that was hard on Hard difficulty. That was absolutely insane that battle.
  7. Lord Terrax XII

    Lord Terrax XII Ancient
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    Dressed for Success took forever in Marvel Ultimate Alliance and so did The Ultimate Super Hero.

    I have every Halo 3 achievement and although many people have beaten Legendary I beat it within 6 hours of Halo 3's release (As well as with the first two o_O).

    Also beating all of COD 4 on Vet was fun. Still working on COD WAW though cuz I don't own it and only play it at my friends house.

    Zombicidal Maniac on L4D was tough too.

    I Promise to Kill You Last on Army of Two was very difficult. Took about 14 tries. Heat seaking rockets FTW.

    1000ing Rezy 5 was fun and slightly difficult at some parts. Finally went back to get the IRL just before starting Pro so Professional was a breeze. Vet was a ***** though... =(

    Beating Brutal Difficulty in Dark Sector was time consuming... Fun though. Great Game.

    Death on the Battle Field and Two Cannot Exist Together were difficult in Soul Calibur 4...

    Wow... I have lots of tough stuff. That's just a few of the more notable ones.

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