Official Movie Review Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Donii, Jun 16, 2009.

  1. Donii

    Donii Ancient
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    I figured it would be cool to have a review thread, that isn't for maps, when you post a review, it will be taken and put into a spoiler on the OP with a title.

    Hopefully this works out.

    Just reply in the thread a review about a movie you enjoyed , and it must be YOUR review, don't copypasta someones from the interwebs.

    2 Reviews MAX on each movie.

    Monsters vs Aliens by: Lord Terrax XII

    Terminator Salvation by:Firefox 919

    Star Trek by: Nightfire

    Up by: Insane54

    X Men Origins: Wolverine by: EpicFishFingers

    Tropic Thunder by: Kidbomber

    Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen by: Pigglez

    By: xX5w33ny70ddXx
    #1 Donii, Jun 16, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2009
  2. Lord Terrax XII

    Lord Terrax XII Ancient
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    Monsters Vs. Aliens

    Monsters Vs. Aliens was by far one of the best animated movies I've seen (in terms of humor... Lion King FTW). Being a Pixar movie I had gone in with high expectations and came out thoroughly amused. Seth Rogen's character B.O.B. was very entertaining and did things such as
    asked a jello for it's number, got stepped on by a robot and then made a bunch of funny comments about how he was winning, ate the main persons mom (temporarily) and many other things
    the other characters Dr. Cockroach, The Missing Link, Ginormica, and Insectosaurus (Looks hilarious) all had many witty and humorous quotes also.

    Although when most people here Pixar they think of kid movies this is a great one for all ages. With a lot of inuendo and adult humor it is enjoyable for adults as well as having sophmoric jokes for the younger audiences. The ending was a bit predictable but was pulled off well and it gave me laughs until the end. I would recommend it for anyone.

  3. Plan B

    Plan B Ancient
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    Terminator Salvation

    Terminator Salvation

    Christian Bale nails his role as John Connor. He fits the role perfectly. Anton Yelchin also does a good job in this movie as being John Connors future dad. Sam Worthington who plays the cyborg prototype for Skynet also has some great acting. I guess Im trying to say the acting by the entire cast was great.

    Now the critics I think are being way too nostalgic. This movie isnt Arnold Schwarzenegger's movie anymore. This is more serious "hasta la vista baby" in this Terminator. There is some of the best action scenes/sequences I'll probably see this year in the movie. The plot is simple yet holds your interest until the end. Although I dont understand how Connor still survives with a giant 4foot piece of shrapnel to the heart but oh well. I think its good they paid homage to Arnold with the fight scene.

    I recommend this movie to Fans of videogames and action Movies ​
  4. Donii

    Donii Ancient
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    thanks guys, this is going pretty good, also, the op has been edited.
  5. Nightfire

    Nightfire Ancient
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    Can there me multiple reviews on one movie?
  6. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    I'm going to write sort of a second opinion review on Terminator Salvation.

    Terminator Salvation is the latest installment in the Terminator series. Salvation is a prequel to the rest, even having taken place in the future. You know how time travel works.

    Christian Bale, the star of the movie, plays John Connor. He's great when it comes to yelling, giving orders, and fighting for his life, but something about his tough-guy voice and persona makes his typical conversations with others feel disjointed and pulls you out of the experience.

    Sam Worthington does a fine job at portraying Marcus Wright, a Terminator with human exteriors who truly believes he is a human. Unfortunately Marcus' story feels tacked on compared to the depth and emotion they implored into Connor's character. However, something that many viewers (including myself) seemed to notice is Marcus' accent. Whether intentional or not, Worthington seems to change accents from American to English to Australian and back again several times throughout the movie.

    This iteration in the franchise does not further the story much at all. Very little is explained about Connor's past, and certain parts of the movie feel very oldschool and seem to only be shot in order to fill up the traditional two hour time slot.

    Salvation is by no means a bad movie. It's got great escape and fight scenes with fast cars and cool explosions, but something just seems to be missing. It doesn't feel like a Terminator movie. It doesn't feel like it's part of a huge franchise. It's a fun summer movie that everyone should give a look, especially with the drought of movies so far this year.
  7. Donii

    Donii Ancient
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    Uhm, Sure.. But i dont want this thread to have like, 10 reviews on 2 movies. ill say, 2 max.
  8. Plan B

    Plan B Ancient
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    Can we review movies that have come our before 2009?
  9. Donii

    Donii Ancient
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    yeah, any movie.
  10. Nightfire

    Nightfire Ancient
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    Star Trek

    This was an amazing movie will great acting, some humor, and awesome effects.
    J.J. Abrams has really did a great job in directing this movie.
    The plot has a crazy twist. (won't give spoilers if people really haven't watched it yet)
    Chris Pine as James T. Kirk did a really good job taking William Shatner's place.
    Zachary Quinto also did a phenomenal job as Spock.

    If you are an old time Star Trek fan this movie will make you very happy. And if you aren't really a Star Trek fan this movie is still good if you don't know the entire story behind Star Trek. The plot has a good mix to which is one reason why the movie is awesome. Eric Bana saves himself from the terrible first Hulk movie in this one with good acting.

    Overall: Plot is great. Actors are great and do great. It's great. Go watch if you haven't. Or at least rent it in the future.
  11. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    I can't say I'm much of a critic (I'm a sucker for kids movies, particularly Pixar), but I saw this movie today and loved it. Pixar took a few risks in the creation of it, and as with Wall-E, all were pulled off to perfection (IE. the 30 minute beginning of Wall-E with no voices). An example of this is a good 5 minutes of only piano music as it depicts the main character and his wife going through the majority of their life. Most other studios would probably not risk it, or if they did, bungle it up, but Pixar does this and other such things admirably.

    The basic plot is that our main character straps balloons to his house to go to South America (trying to keep it vague to not ruin the story), and along the way meets's hard to describe. The single thing that this movie seemed to excel in was it's command of one's emotions. There's quite a few parts where you really feel sad/angry/happy/whatever for the characters. At the end of the movie my sister was crying (emotional kid, but nonetheless). In addition to that, the funny parts, as usual with Pixar, are actually funny. A few movie references, including a great one near that end that refers to Star Wars Episode IV, fit in nicely as well without getting in the way too much. It might be slightly long for a movie for smaller kids, but held my attention easily and was time well spent in my opinion. I'd recommend pretty much anyone to watch Up, especially if you're going with the family.
  12. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    X Men Origins: Wolverine

    Okay, not quite sure where to start with this, so I'll go with this: I've heard mixed opinions on this film. No-one I know has said it is brilliant, but I've heard a few bad things about it. Personally I liked it.

    Basically it's about... well the title's self-explanatory. It's a prequel to the first X-men film, based around how Wolverine became who he is. It has some interesting 'new' characters, a few of which don't get a good explanation of why they don't show up in the first X men film, but they're pretty cool nonetheless.

    However, the montage through the landmark events that happened around the world that included wolverine and the claw guy (near the start of the film) was pretty cheap and cheesy. It did serve a purpose to foreshadow the clawwed guy's betrayal to Wolverine so I guess it has its place.

    The most disappointing thing about the film was how predictable it was. Yet again; another film where all the good bits were included in the trailer for it, so they tried to make up for it with a twist
    Wolverine was a lab experiment... why not?
    . Another annoying thing was that it didn't lead into the first X men very well. It could have been a stand-alone film to anyone who hadn't heard of the other films. The ending seemed too clunky and rushed.
    Where did that helicopter come from? I wonder who's inside...

    Overall it was good, but I think a few X men fans will have worse things to say once the next bunch of explosion-filled, stupidly high-budget and unrealistic X men origin films have come and gone (which will happen, why not continue to milk the cash cow?)
    I wouldn't call it anyone's first choice to watch (it definitely wasn't mine), but it wasn't bad. But I can pretty much guarantee that every Origins film after this one will be worse than the last...
  13. Kidbomber

    Kidbomber Ancient
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    Tropic Thunder

    At the Start of the movie it seemed like the commercials for new movies continued. However when more of the movie ran i understood about what was going on. The Story starts with a realistic like battlefield, but soon find out its all a Staged. Which is also part of the movie! (Didn't know about that :O ) But the movie is running into problems and later the men are place in a REAL battlefield in Vietnam. The Flow of the movie from is looking like a movie vs is being the real thing is just amazing. Also the acting was also just as amazing. The comedy was both weird, funny, and many other things and most were all in one scene! One thing witch is always a big part of war films would be Effects, which were huge and exciting. Too the Story line is was a in a weird direction at times, but came back and made the ending very ironic.
  14. Lord Terrax XII

    Lord Terrax XII Ancient
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    The "Clawed Guy" you refer to is Sabertooth. Wolverines future nemesis (If you've seen X-Men (#1 I think).
  15. Pigglez

    Pigglez Ancient
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    Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen

    Alright, just saw the midnight premiere where I live and here's what I thought

    Plot: Two years after the events of Transformers 1, Sam Witwicky (Shia Laeouf) is going to college. He is trying to leave behind the Autobots and move on with his life, with girlfriend Megan Fox still there. Meanwhile, the Autobots, led by Optimus Prime, have teamed up with the military to hunt down all remaining Decepticons. However, the Decepticons are looking for some ancient power source on Earth, and are threatening to destroy the Earth. Sam has the information they need, so they must go after him, and it all continues from there... (not to go into anything that'd be spoiling)

    Review: From the beginning to the end, I loved it. Obviously, Michael Bay's outrageously high special effects budget looked great and certainly do their part, but I was just amazed by the movie. I was laughing, and on the edge of my seat, jaw dropped the entire time. I also really loved his parents. They add a great comic side to the movie. There is one scene when Sam's mom eats a thing of Marijuana and gets really high and goes running around campus. Certainly hilarious.

    Although some of the parts of the plot were predictable, not to name anything specific, it still had you guessing on how it'd happen, and pushing you to think it couldn't.

    Anyway, I'd call it a must-see for the summer. Out of 4 stars, I give it 3.

    Autobots, roll out!
  16. CaMOfo

    CaMOfo Ancient
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  17. Lord Terrax XII

    Lord Terrax XII Ancient
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    It's not... The other movie thread was to discuss movies, not review them. This is more sophisticated and goal oriented.
  18. Donii

    Donii Ancient
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    Thanks, wanna write a quick guide on how to make a good review? i will put it in the OP for other people to follow.
  19. M.Jelleh

    M.Jelleh Ancient
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    Has anyone seen away we go? I would like to see a review before I go see it.
  20. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    Transformer's: Revenge of the Fallen

    I just watched a 3 hour-long ad for the US Military. When the world faces its darkest moments and time seems almost non-existent (such that treks across the Egyptian Desert can be completed in the matter of a single day) one force emerges victorious and in full glory. The United States Military. Where the autobots fail, M1 Tanks succeed. Where alien technology is rendered obsolete, classified technology prevails. Where common sense can't get through, radio transmissions through quantum powered radios can. Throughout those 149 minutes with more action packed into a sardine can than both of the World Wars combined, only 3 human military powers showed their faces. The US Military, fighting on the front lines of global destrution; the Egyptian Military, in pursuit of the last known hope for humanity with the goal of carting him off to jail; and the Jordan Military, who can only spare two helicopters that see a total screentime of 3 minutes, the last 2 being explosions rendered in high detail and captured in slow-motion. This movie is the answer to any conspirator's questions regarding the trillions of dollars that the United States Government spends on its military; and the one thing keeping Kim Jong Ill from launching his nukes, as he is currently too busy shitting his pants. God bless America!

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