Whisper's Forge Hub Theme FINAL

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Whisper, May 31, 2009.

  1. QKT

    QKT Ancient
    Senior Member

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    its nice BUT

    blue and orange clash
    and the large focal on the banner is yukky, also the text is too
    try a simple font and font colour, its what the current header has
    (the FHX one has the weird metally blue, and doesnt look as good as tdh's blue)
  2. natu

    natu Ancient
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    Definatley I seriously want this to be the theme. I would seriously use it. Amazing job!
  3. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    D2K5 is blocked by my ISP apparently. REupload to another site please.
  4. Whisper

    Whisper Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This below is reuploaded to Imageshack.

    With Text
    Without Text
    New Header WIP as per Pegasi's suggestions
    #24 Whisper, Jun 2, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2009
  5. Actually cool

    Actually cool Ancient
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    You should make a red version.

    Cool skin.
  6. Whisper

    Whisper Ancient
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    Most recent version!!!!
    Changed up the logo text and some of the headers, plus a few other minor details.

    With Logo Text

    Without Logo Text
    #26 Whisper, Jun 17, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2009
  7. RetroRemix39

    RetroRemix39 Ancient
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    How do I get this?
  8. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    I still really love this theme. Though I feel like the banner could have at least something that's forge-related, and I'd like to see the active users and other areas how it will look (completely done)
  9. Whisper

    Whisper Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Sadly, you can't yet. There is a contest going on where a bunch of people are submitting skins and this is my submission. If this skin wins, then yes, you'll be able to select it. However, the contest doesn't end for a while, I think.


    Ok, this is the final version (unless any serious problems arise).

    FYI: the gray outside of the left and right blue borders won't be there if the skin is actually used.

    FH Ignite:
    #29 Whisper, Jun 17, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2009
  10. Nightfire

    Nightfire Ancient
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    Oohh that is beautiful, I wouldn't mind using that at all. I think you are the only person who is actually completely finished.
  11. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    I'm still of the opinion that the header bars for stuff like the LOL box, stats and online users sections should only have the detail on the right hand side, as opposed to it being mirrored like it is. I think it would work better due to the text on the left hand side therefore being clearer, and there's just something that appeals to me aesthetically having that detail only on the right hand side of the bars. This is really down to a matter of opinion, and whilst this would be the way I'd do it, it's not a case of there being an actual problem with the design.

    The thing is that I probably wouldn't use this skin for one reason, the same reason I use FHX. I find darker themes easier on the eye when browsing for long periods of time. And whilst that is, again, a personal preference and doesn't undermine the skin in itself, there is the fact that it is very vivid as an overall product. Stuff like the blue side bars and the golden bit of the main banner image are very defined in the overall look of the site, and I wonder how much LH is looking for a theme so striking as this (on a side note however, I do like what you've done with the FH text in the main banner and the monitors scattered about, very seamless and attractive). The fact that it is the main banner image and outer side bars that are so vibrant is more of an issue because they basically surround each and every page, on a long term basis graphical simplicity is key in these areas (albeit less so for the banner than the sidebars).

    It's not that I don't like the golden bit of the banner image or the blue side bars, nor is it that they don't fit in with the rest of it very well. They just draw the eye a little too much for what should be more simplistic areas of the page, and every single page at that. I do really like the bottom half of the main banner image, it's nicely dark and blocky, and the shadow it casts looks great on the top bar, it's just the gold bit that seems overly central as a focal point. The stuff like the BG image and the actual forum sections look really nice to me, especially the way that the BG nails the balance between simplicity for scalability and still having some character. If you could carry over that principle to the more vibrant, key areas in the theme then I think it could work really well, not only looking good but working well in actual application. I can see what your principle that the edge bars on each page are just that, they surround the edge of the page and therefore should be defining. But they take a little too much focus imo, especially since this looks like a non-scaling theme so they wouldn't even be at the edge of my browser screen, closer towards the middle.
  12. iRaynne

    iRaynne Ancient
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    I love the whole layout, but I really think that the orange and the blue clash, and like Pegasi said, draw your attention away from the blue forum list. My suggestion is keep the orange, but find another color to replace the blue. The blue just makes the forum look a bit awkward. As Pegasi said, go for a darker color to replace the blue, preferably a dark grey shade.

    Also, did you forget the header tabs at the top? (i.e. Home, Forums, Rules)

    If you fix up the colors a bit, I'd use this skin hands down.
  13. Plan B

    Plan B Ancient
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    Besides missing the headers I would use this theme but I would change one thing.
    I would use this(shown) instead of the golden version you have in the back. With would probablly lead you to change the colors of the banner/top part.


    I hope nobody forgot Penguinish's theme. I hope he wins.
  14. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    I only have three suggestions.

    The contrast on the sides is unpleasant, but it does have the added effect of forcing me to look else-where, mainly at the pretty banner. A little more detail and less contrast between those colors could go a long way.

    The buttons dealing with forum activity. I'd like to see those changed to monitor eyes for a clean crisper look. On my screen, it's a bit confusing as to what's open or not.

    I agree with Peg about the headers. No mirrors plox.

    Aside from that...

    [size=+3]It's gorgeous and anyone who hates it should go jump off a cliff[/size] Well, that's my opinion anyways.
  15. Whisper

    Whisper Ancient
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    Nah, I just kept it simple up there.

    I see what you mean, but I don't think it's that big of a difference in the long run.

    I don't think that the coloring is too vibrant for black text to be read. As long as the font is suitable, the text should be pretty fine to read even though the background is somewhat bright. Also, if the riders on the left and right are thought to be too distracting, it would be a simple matter to remove them (see: skin with borders removed image). I don't think the main image is too distracting, however, as most of the time, when a person is reading a post, the banner would be above the monitor's viewable area, so it wouldn't be visible.

    As far as I can tell, the skin should be fluid. The background, headers, and everything else are all tileable, which is what enables a skin to be fluid. So, unless LH finds some unforeseen problem, it won't be fixed.

    Are you talking about the Forum Contains X icons? I don't really know how it could be confusing...The bright one has new posts, the dark one has no new posts, and the one with the giant X through it is closed.
  16. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    Yea the forum x ones. Due to its fuzziness and my screen it's hard to tell which is which, like being a little color blind. A more definitive approach would be helpful. Plus since you already have monitors floating around why not put the eyes it. It would look sweet! Do eet!
  17. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    You'd be surprised. LH is looking for everything to be perfect.
  18. Whisper

    Whisper Ancient
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    That part doesn't take away anything besides minor aesthetic value that, in my opinion, isn't needed.

    Your screen must be really old then, because it's very defined for me...
    Sorry, but I don't really want to do monitors, they're too cliche as icons.
  19. iRaynne

    iRaynne Ancient
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    I found two minor (and meticulous) mistakes in your nav-bar:
    You have a "rules" tab and a "forum rules" tab right next to each other; a little redundant.
    Also, there doesn't seem to be a way to navigate to the map database.
  20. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    It's not about being too vibrant for black text to be read, it's about the overall brightness of the theme. Darker themes are exactly that, and so I find them less wearing on the eye overall during the multiple hours that I'm often browsing for. This is most certainly a personal preference and not to the themes detriment, the people who stuck to old school when FHX came in being a clear indicator of this. Though I do remember LH saying something once about the number of people who had stuck with old school being pretty low. Vocal, granted, but even with the fact that the majority of users will just leave it on default (FHX) without even thinking about it, I seem to remember the number being in the range of like 50-60, which isn't that many at all tbh.

    The main image thing, I can see your point on that one. You're right that it's not visible on screen for well over half of the page's scroll length, but it's still there every time a page loads, and is basically the main focal point as far as images go. A banner image needs to be seamless for this reason, and much as this looks very good, very attractive, I just find it a bit too defined and crisp compared to the rest of the theme. Both the bright gold colour and the almost spiky quality it has (again, this is the top bit of that central graphic, I like the dark bits at the bottom of it).

    The boarderless image you linked does credit your point somewhat, without any boarder the BG looks cut off at the edges, especially with those lighter bars just jutting in at each side of the main column. I'm definitely of the mind that something should boarder the main column, just something which cuts off and defines those edges without drawing focus outwards, something darker and less vibrant than the blue, possibly even a thinner boarder than the current one.

    Ah, ok, this looked like a fixed width theme. I'm glad it's a fluid one, since this is another thing I personally prefer in a theme.

    I'd be inclined to listen to Insane on this one. LH has very specific and informed criteria for this selection, not only based on personal reception of how the theme looks but also based on a knowledge of what actually works. The potential of a theme to work and be well received by users and visitors on a large scale is the most important consideration here really, and with little details like this, sure it's small, but it's a small detail on the main page of the site that every single visitor will see. And in other cases, small aesthetic differences of opinion can be small things which appear on every single page of the site.

    With stuff like this, it's not really down to convincing either us or LH on differences of aesthetic opinion, there are basically a few set principles which are either known to work well in large scale application, or to not work. You could show LH the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen in terms of a theme, but if it goes against what is proven to be well received in application then I'm guessing he wouldn't accept it. Small things like these could well be deciding factors on wether a skin is only just refused or accepted and implemented. Basically you're stuck in the artist's modern dilemma: Do you stick with what you know to look better and create something true to your artistic perspective? Or do you go with what's known to be well received? Sadly in this case you don't have the equivalent of the small labels and grass roots followings that musicians have, in this case the above two questions can be condensed in to one: How much do you want the next theme on FH to be yours?

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