This is certainly the best Warlock remake I've seen so far, and now that you've freed up the budget a bit, I definitely think that gives you some room to play around with a few small things such as the width of the teleporter entrance... and geomerging the grav lifts into the ground. Other than that I have no complaints, and I appreciate the third call out as well. It is so much easier to tell where you are in this version of the map. Well done and I hope you make some of those small changes.
Download ELECTRON -2e Changes! My updated Version includes: - Fixed irregular grenade/ weapon spawn times - Changed placement of shotgun to left of lift, like Warlock - Fixed wall that didn't spawn at start (Thanks to everyone who pointed that out) - Fixed teleport area. Now smaller and has longer walls parallel to teleporter like original. Teleporters - Electron -2e If you downloaded the original, I know you'll like the updated version.
A solid remake of warlock. I was just thinking about creating this map and I wish I had done it now but kudos to you.