Desert of Reach History Reach was a planet similar to Earth. It was considered like the second bastion of humanity. This planet was the birthplace of Spartans. The spartans were appointed by the Lieutenant Jacob Keys, which observed a hundred children (boys and girls) on earth and capture the best of them among several criteria: their physical strength, agility, ingenuity and their courage. When children were abducted from their families, they were replaced by clones programmed to die after some time to keep a secret total. Arrived at Reach, these individuals became children physically and intellectually superior to all, thanks to intensive training on the one hand and by the various chemical transformations they underwent. aged 14 years, they were subjected to a final test: The great training. This training was in the desert. The goal was simple: to draw a line under the bad spartans. That is why this training was a real war: every Spartan should be ruthless, and there was no way to escape this training: those away too of the bases established for this purpose, 6 guns Super-CAM (capable of destroying a vessel Covenant in a shooting) fire on the Spartans who were trying to escape. At the end of this training, the most brave spartans but still died in battle were buried in the camp. Years went by and finally the Spartans were at their maximum load. However, a huge fleet came covenant land on Reach. The planet was not at all prepared for the landing and most logical people died in combat. Only some of them had time to fly to another planet to find refuge. Reach was then almost entirely destroyed, but strangely only the training camp remained intact. Description of the map This map is completely symmetrical. It is composed of two bases, two garages, two observation towers and two bunkers. Each base is linked by an elevated bridge and the camp is littered with tombstone and some structures. Base (view from outside) Base (view from inside) Garage (view from inside) Garage (view from inside) Observation tower Bunker Structure Bridge Tombstones Weapons 8 Battle riffle 4 Assault rifle 4 Covenante riffle 4 Spiker 2 Snipers 2 Mauler 2 Grenade launchers 2 Needler 2 Plasma riffle 1 Spartan laser 2 Warthog 2 Chopper 2 Mangouste And grenades Preference This map is a map that can accommodate from 4 to 12 players. The preferred modes are Team Slayer (BRs if possible) and the Multi Flag (BRs if possible). Downloads If you want to download the map, click here. ________________________________________________________ I'm sorry my english is bad.. i'm french..
good map i see that you got some good ideas. the layout is good too. maybe its a little bit to open for CTF for example. overall nice map
well this is a good start, but the are some issues. The main problem is the spawns. There probably isn't enough of them and some are just lying aroung in the open. Also, try to merge the roof of the garage down, so it doesn't look like it is just lying on top. Try to not take your pictures in forge mode. That being said, this is a great first post. You've formatted it correctly and such
Thanks for your feedback . I'll think about what you said for my next map ! And I know there aren't a lot of spawns points. When I started to put them, I had too many objects on the map so I had to simplify the towers and limited the number of my spawns points.. never mind...
If you have ever heard of the game Tribes Aerial Assault, This map reminds me alot of it. I really like the very simple bases and the simple map because it probably just makes its so simple to get across which is great. 9/10 Hope to See More
This looks superb! The bases look great if not a little too rectangle.. I love the idea of the garages and its well pulled off. The middle ground maybe a little too simple, visually but I'm sure it plays great. Good job, keep up the good work.
hope to play this. put it on your share and i will. i like the backround story for it lol. i like the tower design, and hope to see your work again soon.