Anyone here play it? I have it and want to play with some other people. Join the group here Some pictures: Spoiler Cool looking Hog Can change time of day to night or day Jet fighter, really fun to drive Flying Jet Fighter/look at Longsword Flying Longsword dropping a nuke for the lulz Huge Mech Walker Huge mech launching a nuke Super mega fighters! (to be said with stereotypical Japanese voice) Driving a super mega fighter
no, there were two versions of Halo 1 both with the initials CE. the first, and most known is Halo: combat evolved this is the one that was sold and is played on the consoles and PC. The other version Halo: Custom Edition was released after the original. custom edition was a modder's resource and was design for people to mod the pc version. these mods included super nades, maps outside maps, secret teleporters and my favorite of all: inviso-rockets. Of course I believe that they just typed it but really meant the original
This is Halo CE, its pretty much a paradise for people who love custom content and mods etc. I will post some pictures of a game I played in a bit.
I had the pc version a looooooooong time ago... I don't know if I have it still... a lot of crap got thrown out when I moved... Halo PC is probably only 10 bucks now a days... right?
I'm seeing $16 on Amazon. Free download patch to Combat Evolved if I'm not mistaken once you got that.
Got some pictures of some stuff on Cold snap: Cool looking Hog Can change time of day to night or day Jet fighter, really fun to drive Flying Jet Fighter/look at Longsword Flying Longsword dropping a nuke for the lulz Huge Mech Walker Huge mech launching a nuke Super mega fighters! (to be said with stereotypical Japanese voice) Driving a super mega fighter And yeah I would say you can get Halo PC for dirt cheap nowadays.
Halo: Combat Evolved is Halo 1 no matter how you look at it. Halo: Custom Edition is a multiplayer only version of Halo that allows you to have more than the default maps. The download is free but you need a Halo PC key in order to install and use it. Halo Editing Kit is the install for the tools to make your own maps and mods. Anyway, yes, I have it, no it isn't installed, no, I haven't played it for a while, no, probably won't install it again (not because I don't want to play but to keep from getting distracted from school work).
There's also a patch released so you don't have to play with your disc anymore. You still need your keycode though.
We don't ever condone any kind of illegal activity, including illegal downloading. Since you didn't go into detail, there won't be any infractions...this time. But just note that rule.
Yeah, that's the 1.08 update. So, you will need the foloowing stuff: Halo: Combat Evolved for the PC (dirt cheap) Halo Custom Edition patch (Google it) An account at (this site is a big archive of maps and mods and stuff. It's all legal though) WinRAR Okay, now you need the 1.08 patch. You can either run Halo CE as administrator to let it auto-install or manually install it by going on the forum of, going to the Halo CE technical discussion subforum and following the link in one of the stickied topics. Then, to download maps, search for the one you want, save it. it should open in WinRAR (make sure to run WinRAR as admin to avoid any problems. To do this, open WinRAR as admin and then manually search through your files to find the download). Next extract the map file to: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Halo Custom Edition\maps That is the full directory. Copypasta it to your neat new box that has opened to guide you through the extraction and there you go. As long as you ran WinRAR as admin and you DLed a Halo CE map, you should be fine. And that's the basics.
I have had Combat Evolved since it came out on PC. Played on custom edition for a bit but never really liked the mods. Those are some great looking mods you have there though, good job on the fighter jet and alien/robots.