
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Gun Down, Jun 16, 2009.

  1. Gun Down

    Gun Down Ancient
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    Anyone notice that Gears of War 2 has a bit of big similarities to Halo?

    Here are some similarities:
    Hunters - Boomers
    Flood - Lambent
    Types of Brutes - Types of Boomers
    Hammer of Dawn - Spartan Laser *
    Horde - Firefight (and **** Zombies) *
    In Halo 3 an all out attack by the humans/elites was staged against the Covenent - In Gears of War an all out attack was made on the Locust
    Elephant - Derrick
    Drop Pod - Grindlift
    Missile Pod - Mortars Launchers**
    Movable Turrets**

    *Bungie supposedly "copied" Epic
    **I understand it was an un-orignal idea from Bungie but Epic didn't put it in Gears 2 till Bungie put it in Halo 3

    I also relize the publisher for both is Microsoft. Please state your opinion
    #1 Gun Down, Jun 16, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2009
  2. Willmatic

    Willmatic Ancient
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    Forgot the whole camera thing too, Halo 3 perfected that and more
  3. Telrad

    Telrad Ancient
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    There are very few similarities between Gears and Halo other then the fact that we're talking about Aliens versus Humans and that both say that humans rule.

    No dice. The only similarity is that they're both heavy infantry.

    Laughable comparison. I hope your next one has more thought in it.

    So? Every game has that. Way before Halo too.

    An Orbital Satalite gun is the same as a Laser that cuts through everything? Really?

    Here's another for you. Warzone - Team Slayer. If a gametype is a good idea, why not let it get copied?

    As far as I know, the humans never comited fully to the attack and we don't know just how many forces the Elites have. Half-Jaw used all his forces. That much I know.

    Also, really? You're comparing that? Why? You're making this entirely too vague. You migght as well say that Halo and Gears of War are about humanity being attacked by an inhumane force that nearly makes them extinct. Ergo, Gears copied Halo silly.

    Again, no dice. Derrick is a drill platform. Elephants have always been described as Mobile Bases.

    Drop Pods and Grindlifts are basicly Paratroopers without the Parachutes. They're both original in how they go about it. Less so for Halo.

    Again, really? Missle Pods were made to replace the Halo 2s rocket Launcher.

    Mortar fufills the Artillery position.

    Both clearly different.

    I guess Flamethrowers never exhisted in history. Have they? Not like they're banned from war or anything.

    Only Halo has Movable Turrets.
    Gears has Miniguns that can be used as Turrets.

    I don't think you fully thought this through.

    Halo and Gears are different. They may draw some inspiration from each other but nothing to the degree you're saying.
  4. Chronic Fate

    Chronic Fate Ancient
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    Well, there is only so much stuff game developers can think of. I'm sure Halo is a cliché of an older game.
  5. Willmatic

    Willmatic Ancient
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    anyone else notice that people always compare things to gears? I was watching the new WarHammer 40k trailer and one guy says "Looks like gears, gay."

    WTF? What did gears bring exactly? Everyone thinks bulky armor = gears. Gears this gears that. Sick and tired of hearing about a mediocre game (IMO)
    #5 Willmatic, Jun 16, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2009
  6. Lord Terrax XII

    Lord Terrax XII Ancient
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    I am not a huge fan of Gears because of the gratuitous gore and unspectacular gameplay and story. Gears and Halo have both been described as revolutionary. This wouldn't have occured if they were the same. Also, not to discredit you, all games have similar qualities. I implore you to find a totally original game. It will be very difficult if possible.

    That's it... Bye.
  7. Telrad

    Telrad Ancient
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    The ironic thing about that comment is that Warhammer 40k is probably the biggest influence on Gears.

    Gears is actually a pretty decent game. Campaigns actualy better then Halos.
    #7 Telrad, Jun 16, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2009
  8. GD Creations

    GD Creations Ancient
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    i hated gears 2, the first was more revolutionary, as it showed us that third person shooters were still great. the sequel just improved the graphics and introduced almost nothing new.
    On topic: People will always say a game ripped off another. So i jsut get over it and move on. I absolutly LOVE starcraft:BW, and that ripped off Warhammer 40,000's lore a bit. but hey it had awesome gameplay so i don't care.
  9. SK Aleks

    SK Aleks Ancient
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    How the hell did Gears copy Halo with horde/firefight? Last time I checked horde was made before firefight. If anything Halo copied them.
  10. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    Well, it is my hope that this is brilliant satire. It is my opinion that you are connecting dots that don't exist, like your general logic. Maybe I didn't understand, but this is what I got out of it:

    Gears of War came out.
    Bungie copied some stuff from Gears into Halo 3.
    Gears of War 2 copied the things Halo 3 things copied from Gears of War.
    Really, Gears of War 2 is in the wrong here.

    Solid thought, that. When will people learn to stop comparing games and just play them for what they are.
  11. Gun Down

    Gun Down Ancient
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    I relize that. Thats why I put the *

    Both come in pares. Both have guns that take forever to fire.

    The concepts are different but ever actually looked at both

    Both have an extremly large charge time. The only main differences between them is one fires from above while the other fires from the solider, and the looks of the actual gun.

    I agree with you most of the time with stop comparing games and just play them. Im a hardcore Halo fan and I don't like Gears being one of the best xbox games for using ideas and twisting them to make them to see original.
    #11 Gun Down, Jun 17, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2009
  12. Telrad

    Telrad Ancient
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    Have you actually played the games?

    Boomers rarely come in pairs. Hunters always do.

    Hunters are unable to use any other weapon other then their standard two.

    Boomers have no shields. Except Maulers.

    Hunters can only speak their own language. Boomers can only say their names.

    There are a lot of differences.


    Ones a monster truck with a rig on the back and is very tall. They are also quite fast.

    Elephants are low riders with a whole open design.

    Extremly different in design.

    I love how you bring up that that's the only difference.

    Hammer is unable to work inside buildings. You must have view of the target. Satelite needed. Splash area effect.

    The Splaser has charge time and cool off time. I smore flexible in needing site. Can cut through multiple targets. Area of effect is a straight line.

    You're drawing comparisons when there are none.

    Orbital guns are very common in sci-fi.
    Heavy Infantry are also very common.
    You're comparison of the Lambent and the Flood is pathetic as the idea of the Flood is very cookie cutter with many comparisons being made with Starcraft and Warhammer 40K. As fas as I can tell, the lambent are mutated Locust who don't like being oppressed.
    Mobile bases are nothing new to sci-fi.
    Your types of Brutes and types of Boomers comparison was also pathetic because the types of Brutes signafied rank. While Boomers signified what they were trained for.
    HALO IS NOT ORIGINAL. <-Has to be capitalised.
    Even Halo's are not original.

    Stop drawing comparisons where there are none.
  13. SK Aleks

    SK Aleks Ancient
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    Nicely done Telrad I don't think you could have said anything in better terms for him to understand.
  14. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    Gears copied Halo by going on the Xbox. And Gears 2 copied Halo 2 by sucking.
  15. IPokeNinjas

    IPokeNinjas Ancient
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    Does it really matter? After all we get both games which have their own storyline and characters, both companies have done these quite well. IMO, I think the two games are nothing alike as they both emphasize different styles of play, such as Gears being the third person horror shooter that it is whereas Halo is an action FPS that uses little to no blood in either SP or MP.

    Just enjoy the games for what they really are :)
    #15 IPokeNinjas, Jun 22, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2009

    BASED GOD Ancient

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    Gears copied Halo by being the ultimate frat boy game.
  17. Frag Man

    Frag Man Ancient
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    In my opinion, it's standard infrantry settings. Several games included these types before Halo was even thought of. The only original thing Halo came out was the jumping, and the rechargable shield. Everything else was just based off of standard game basics.

    Look at every infection game. They all have big infections, little ones, etc. Nobody copied off anybody, otherwise everyone would all be tired of playing the same thing over and over.

    List of games that include what Halo and Gears did.

    1. Call of Duty
    2. Half-life
    3. Resident Evil
    4. Tom Clancy's series
    5. Star Fox Assault
    6. Lost Planet
    You get my point. Let's not all go "boo" because our favorite games decided to do include the basics.
  18. Fastforward

    Fastforward Ancient
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    All FPS's have the same general ideas but execute on them differently. All modern FPS's copy DOOM. Who cares. Look hard enough and you find similarities or differences. It all depends on your state of mind.

    OMFGDRPHL Ancient
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    What annoys me is people comparing Halo to Gears...
    Tactical 3rd Person Shooter =/= First Person Shooter
    #19 OMFGDRPHL, Jun 28, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2009
  20. ShaddoBlade

    ShaddoBlade Fuzzy Little Man Peach
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    The story? That's one of your reasons? Wtf. Gears of War campaign is like a movie, but you get to play all the action scenes... It has an amazing story.

    On topic, shooters are going to have similarities with other shooters. That's the way it is. Try not to over-analyze everything, and just enjoy the games.

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