Castaway Ive done the once thought impossible,I've created A gardian map,the is not only playable,but fun. as you may notice,its very carbine friendly. "what was once a jackel training campm,was turned into a refugee camp for humans." please note the map is made for standard slayer (it may work with standard infection IDK) and has not been edited in other modes any other way. On to the pictures: sniper spawns the notible thing about this area is that you cant camp,and its risky to get the sniper. the "water room" you may notice the double pallets,you can use them to get up to the nexy level,without making yourself sniper bait. The crate makes a good line-of-sight blocker,and makes it possible to get up top easily. you see the overshield in the backround,and the needler is a good counter to somebody with over shields. the gravity lift,is in my openion,the best part of the map,and behind the camara is a bruteshot spawn. one of the two way nodes,and the dual SMG's you may notice the stuff in the top of the pic,its anti camper stuff,and there is a bruteshot. you also see the turrent case,you can nock it sideways,and use it for cover,or a platform for jumps. you see a fuel rod gun,the main power weapon. the second of the two way nodes,and the spiker set. this is camp,home to a bubble shield,carbine,and dual magnams. nothing special,ywo plasma rifles and some cones in my ledge. an over view of the main room,nothing special. another overview,watch out for ninjas. Actions shots: me with some bubble cover launch the AR warning: katanga askar is a ninja. someone is gonna blow up. battle of the snipers thats all,big thanks to katanga askar and his friend for testing. download castaway
Is it possible? Has someone finally made a pre-dlc map BETTER than the original? I think so! Great job, I loved guardian, but I think this tops it. If the spawning works out well with the newly placed power-weapons, this could potentially be a 10/10. I'll DL and test later today. EDIT: UM, wheres the link lol >.>
I would remove some of the clutter in the middle of the hallways. It may look better but its annoying when your trying to run and you have to move every single one of those black and yellow things (I forgot the name) out of the way. But i like the pallets and water room.
Ok guys,i fixed the link,and dont worry about the roadblocks,it doesnt matter,the dont slow you down what so ever.
Note to self: Running into center at the start in FFA is a horrible idea.... (Uses Default Guardian callouts as referances) Yeah, I thoroughly enjoyed playing Castaway, and giving some helpful feedback. We found that, even though the map was the same as default guardian in terms of rooms and most paths, the added aesthetics and weapon changes offered a strangly different experiance. For example, S3 (top sniper) was no longer a highly coveted area, what with the area only containing a brute shot. Instead, it was used purely as an alternate path to other areas. We found that more action went on in lesser-used rooms such as Blue and the green area. The two-way teleporter system offered a far mor tactical approach to defending the areas, as a surpise attack was always a risk. Many extra tactical jumps were added to the map, such a the barrel jump and the pallette jump. These provided different methods of reaching higher areas, and therefore paths which took time could be navigated in far quicker ways. One hindered jump was the Yellow to Blue jump. The roadblocks meant that jumping the gap was near impossible, and so ranged combat replaced the jump-over-and-punch-them option. Oversheild at old Hammer spawn served the map in a very different way to the S2 ovie we are used to. In the long corridor, players often were taken out by players in S1 while trying to reach them. With the oversheild dead center, there were moments where rushing the red ball was essential for survival, tipping the scales in an instant. It is also good to mention that in the centre the oversheild gives players a chance to storm Green, Yellow or Sniper while in the coveted stage of invincibility. But my favourite part? The carbines. The play a large part in the map, and due to this the flow is much faster than default Guardian. The faster rate of fire makes the duels even faster and more heart-racing. Oh, and the other tester was SLaM91 Damn Straight.
Darnet I made a map somewhat similiar to this. This looks pretty good. Some of the added things are a little unncecesarry but I know how you feel since im also forging a Guardian map. Im gonna have to do a good job to top this. My map is also putting a weapon overhaul giving new strats and tacts, I'll DL and take a peek around.
Im sad because all of you are coming in and commenting,but none of you have even played on it. (minus katanga askar) your all breaking the rules. now stop. you ll have been warned,I want no more of this picture summerizations.
excuse me but I DL'd. after playing I felt like some of the objects were tacked on, some of the clutter could've been removed. The other thing I didnt think was right was the fuel rod gun. It was way to dominant on this map. The amount of ammo and it almost being as powerful and much faster moving projectiles than a rocket launcher made it so whoever got it could just shoot in a general area and still get a kill. Other than that, its nice to see a change-up of weapons and different situations.