Kore Outpost#1 This map is just simply a base i made because I was bored.This map includes a little garage,a small weapon room,a landing pad, and a watch tower. Overview [/URL] Wall [/URL] Garage [/URL] Weapon Room [/URL] Main Building [/URL] Watch Tower and Landing Pad [/URL] Landing Pad [/URL] Turret(watchtower) [/URL] WatchTower Room(Note:Two snipers in room) [/URL] I Hope you like and and here is the download link. Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details ENJOY! I will edit this map due to the great comments.Kore Outpost 2 coming soon.
Looks very clean, well made for a first post. You actually got the pics right too! Congrats! However, I recommend you take a look at forging 101 on the top left sidebar of the homepage. It can show you how to put objects within another and also into the ground. I'm not gonna complain about the weapons room/armory since it's ascetic, but for future warning, don't ever use one of those in a playable map. Otherwise, I really like this map's simplicity.
good job yeah what arbacca said there does need to be interlocking and as i noticed in picture 6 (the watch tower and hornet pad pic) that stone piece. oh whats it called the one that comes down into a square at the bottem and is a rectangle at the top oh well can't think of the name anyways its tilted off the side. that could be replaced
for a map you made 'when you were bored' it's pretty good, nice tower and structure. keep it up! 4.5/5
for a first post that's pretty impressive. You could do with a building you could actually walk in, cause i'm sure you have more budget =). I really like the idea for the fence and windows of the watchtower - very awesome.
nice map. love the huge watchtower. i would suggest having some sort of infection type game with bases out in the sand dunes, if the towers are already blocked, with vehicles and stuff
This is alright for a "bored" map. You could've added a few more structures or something. Maybe a base for people to start off from to attack the watch tower. Could work as a good template for other people if you allowed. Good map
i like the idea of a watch tower and lading pad make teleporter free and have a transport hornet and il be an awsome part for an infection map