Stickball Pro

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by ThPerfectDrug77, Mar 31, 2008.

  1. ThPerfectDrug77

    ThPerfectDrug77 Ancient
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    Map Title: Stickball Pro
    Fun dodgeball game. Zero honor rules. 4-8 players

    Download Map
    Download Gametype

    To start, i'd like to acknowledge that no, this probably isn't the first game you've seen that involves sticking as the main goal. What makes mine different is that i tried to get it as close to the fun-as-hell game of dodgeball as i could, save the fact that you can't lie about getting hit when the ball sticks to you. I'm sure there's also been other dodgeball-type games, but since i play with a group of people who completely ignore honor rules, i wanted to eliminate them completely, while also adding some fun features to make my game more enjoyable.

    For starters, my game doesn't use the simple method of counting sticks as points. Instead, i boosted shields and damage resistance to keep you alive through splash damage, but to still let you die from a stick. From my experience it's worked very well. I also wanted the game focus to be eliminating the other team, so i made the entire court (shown below) a hill which the two teams fight over.

    The two sides are seperated by a very low wall with interlocking window panels. too high to jump over with the high gravity, but they still allow plenty of visibility. If you get stuck you are sent to a prison section behind your opponents side, pictured below.

    All you can do back here is sit and watch. Although there is one way out...

    This teleporter is the only hope for getting back in the game, but the receiver is blocked by fusion coils. Players are equipped with swords, so you can't hit them through the fence wall, but your friends can lend a hand.

    Have a teammate toss a sticky through this box on the opponent's side (there has been confusion before) to blow up the fusion coils and bust you out

    Then you can simply just run down the hallway, up the stairs, and jump back into the game. Even if the other team controls the hill now, you might be able to make it there before they win. Easy enough, right? Just don't forget the main part, cause halo dodgeball is tons of fun.

    5 rounds. 10 seconds on the hill uncontested wins a round

    The prison system keeps the game alive and interesting, and the gameplay has been repeatedly tested to make it as fair and fun as possible. If your'e at all curious or interested by any of this, i urge you to give it a try. Grab some friends and play it a few times. Everyone i know has had fun so far. Whether or not you enjoy it, all suggestions are welcome. Hell, go on forge and change it to your liking. Your preferences are just as good as mine. I'll try to get a few gameplay pics up in the next day or two. Let me know what you guys think :)

    NOTES: There are a few things that should be known up front.
    1. Please only play as Red and Blue. The spawn points won't function right with other colors
    2. It is possible to steal the other team's grenades. I am aware of the problem, but i decided to leave it, because stealing them makes you an easier target. Fair enough.
    3. If everyone stays right up on the line, you can definitely kill each other with a few sword swings, but i figured if you get hit, you have plenty of time to back up. Or maybe you'd rather duel, just be ready to dodge the inevitable stick attempt.
    4. Two problems have been noticed that will prevent completing a round. One case is with the last two opposing players simultaneously sticking each other. The second case is when two team members who control the hill kill each other before they win. Any situation where all players end up in jail will halt the game and cause you to have to start over. I apologize, but i assure you, these don't occur all that often. However, any suggestions for fixing them would be greatly appreciated.

    (Please let me know about anything else, and i will be sure to add them to list and/or fix them)

    [EDIT]: All the problems stated in the posts below up until where it says FIX have been taken care of. Read through them if you like, i just don't want any to be discouraged from trying out this map. Me and my friends have had lots of fun playing on it, and i want other people to be able to get in on it too. Thanks again to gobbles, solorn, and mrod for helpin me fix the kinks. Hope everyone has fun :)
  2. mrod009

    mrod009 Ancient
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    looks cool ill dl.
  3. gobbles

    gobbles Ancient
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    The jail break system is a great idea, but I hate seeing piles of fusion coils, because they can make the game laggy. Oh, by the way, you said the people had low gravity. You meant to say high gravity
  4. ThPerfectDrug77

    ThPerfectDrug77 Ancient
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    damn.. thanks gobbles. haha i knew i'd make that mistake. [edit]
    and as for the fusion coils, you are kinda right, but out of the many things i tried, they ended up working the best. for example, i originally had a crate with just a few coils behind it. problem was, tossing a sticky through worked about once every 5 throws. we also tried a crate with more strategically placed fusion coils, but the crate almost always ended up blocking the escape route. i felt like fusion coils were the best way to go. i only had to pile them so that no one could do the trick where you jump up to teleport out of the top. and as far as i've seen, they don't really lag at all. all they do is give a nice loud signal when someone's escaping. and that's when i play with kids who live quite a few hours away from me.

    what i'd suggest: just give it a shot. if you do experience problems, go ahead and change it. i'm sure there are plenty of slight variations of my map that would fit different personal opinions. thanks for the feedback though
  5. Solorn

    Solorn Ancient
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    Would it work to block it with a pallet or pallets? Then a few fusion coils could destroy the pallet and it wouldn't block the escape route.

    Dunno, just thinking of ideas. Like the jail break idea though.
  6. gobbles

    gobbles Ancient
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    You know what they say; maps are better with explosions.

    Solorn, that pallet idea doesnt work, because the people could just break the pallets with their swords.
  7. ThPerfectDrug77

    ThPerfectDrug77 Ancient
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    well your both semi right.
    @solorn: pallets are a great breakable item that can take up space. i feel kinda stupid for not thinking of that myself.
    @gobbles: not completely true, because theere's a fence wall seperating the teleporters. the players won't be able to break anything from the other side. even if the sword did slice through (which i've seen once or twice) the teleporter is a few feet away from the fence. you ARE correct in the fact that the pallets won't work too well tho.
    while nice little stacks of coils and pallets work well the first time, they never respawn too well. that's the reason i have so many fusion coils. however they respawn, they're always blocking it off. maybe i can make a jumbled mess and just swap some coils with pallets, but wouldnt that have the same potential lag anyway? and i also don't seem to receive any lag at all, so i'm wondering if it's that i'm just lucky or if its not really a problem
  8. mrod009

    mrod009 Ancient
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    i just played this 2v2 n the thing that messes up the whole game is the gametype cuz u got weapon pickup turned off by default so u cant pick up plasmas, u should change that and reupload it to ur file share
  9. ThPerfectDrug77

    ThPerfectDrug77 Ancient
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    thanks for that mrod, i had saved the wrong one to my file share.
    alright, i'm feelin kinda stupid right now. missed a few small things, had some problems, but everything should be up and running. fixed the gametype, changed the teleporter block (put a picture of the new one in the old one's place) and the fixed map and gametype are now in my fileshare. i apologize for these dumb little mistakes, but thanks to you guys, i fixed them as fast as i could.
    If you haven't tried this map yet, i suggest you do. i assure everyone that all the above problems are taken care of, and i still give you my word that its great fun. feedback is appreciated :)
  10. T3chnomonkey

    T3chnomonkey Ancient
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    This looks like the best version of "stickball" yet, out the many I've seen.
    I like how you elimitated splash damage, that my was big beef this the game type. Nice job!

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