I first got my hands on a dinosaur-hunting game called Carnivores. I was terrified simply because if your sent strayed toward the direction of carnivorous Raptors or T. Rex they jump you. I believe that I also played Pokemon: Yellow for the Gameboy Color.
super mario bros. Canivores was a great game. but i dropped it when carnivores 2 came out and you could hold more than one weapon.
I think remember playing Mario if not then it was Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. Nothing can beat that classic game.
I feel like this thread was made before, but i could be wrong. I Think it was Pokemon Yellow on my gameboy...
Donkey Kong for 5 minutes when I was like 3. Then Super Smash Bros when I was maybe 8. First game owned (not a Gameboy game, that was Super Mario World) was Super Smash Bros. Melee. First FPS was 007: Nightfire.
Duck Hunting. I remember when I was very young, I would actually put the gun to the tv. I remember getting very frustrated when it didn't work as well, but eventually I learned that if you play the game the way it is supposed to be played, you will do a whole lot better.
I think it was Mario Kart or "Maui Mallard in Cold Shadow". At least, that's the first game I played that I owned.
It's been ages since I've played my first video game. I was brought up on atari and then later on Nintendo. My father and I use to play the original Metriod and Zelda.
Oh god. My first game was actually the first Harry Potter on the Gamecube when I got it for Christmas ages ago. It was a horrible game, but it was my first video game, so I was intrigued by the start.
Probably some pokemon game for the gameboy color. But the first game I actually enjoyed was 007 Nightfire for the PS2, now that game was the sh.t.