Electron -2e Created by ScarecrowXavier Recommended Players: 2-10 Recommended Gametypes: FFA Slayer, Team Slayer, Multi-Flag and King of the Hill Shipped block by block to Halo 3 using Forge, Electron -2e is the most accurate rendition of a Halo classic. The winner of the recent Forgotten Treasures contest, and an amazing map in it's own right, this Warlock remake not only impresses in nostalgic recreation, it has also transitioned wonderfully to the gameplay of Halo 3. The arena style of combat has been quite lacking from the array of Bungie created content, allowing Electron to slip right into the mix without feeling redundant. The combination of medium and short range weapons allows for varied and balanced choices amongst the four base symmetry of this map. A central, quick respawning camo can be quite deadly when used in conjunction with any of the four teleporters about the map, allowing for fast and silent movement. Along with a solid structure, this map boasts a wide array of gametypes. From FFA, to Multi-Team to MLG Slayer, Electron plays something for everyone. Comparable in both structure and playstyle, Electron -2e not only remains true to Warlock in nearly every respect, it evolves wonderfully with the new mechanics of Halo 3. If you are looking for some classic and nostalgic Halo action, or just want a solid competitive map to beat your friends on, Electron is a download well spent. Download Electron Download MLG Electron Original FH Thread If you have any thoughts on this article, or the front page in general, that you would like to share with us then we invite you to post your opinions in the Front Page Feedback thread.
congrats ScarecrowXavier! the map is beautiful! this is by far the best remake yet no wonder you won! aesthetically wonderful and it plays great! 5/5
Definetly the greatest remake yet. Warlock was a great map in halo 2 and this recreates every aspect of that old map Congrats on the feature, can't wait to see more from you
Nice one Scarecrow. I really enjoyed Warlock, but hated the H2 BR. This map plays really play well in the Halo 3 era, and is great fun for FFA and Team Slayer matches. A well deserved feature, Xavier. Great job.
Does anyone else remember warlock being dark? Everything else is perfect, but I think if it was darker it would be better.
Oh man, I loved warlock. I hope the gameplay is true to how warlock used to play, I will have to find out for myself I guess. I remember one time in Halo 2, I bridged myself host and the other team was trying to mod, so I turned on the team standby and won the game, good times... But anyways, looks like it is very neat and I just hope that there is no way to get on top of the map.
It is very difficult to capture darkness in a map. FX in maps usually cause more harm than good. FX are usually very unappealing to the eyes. It can also make gameplay worse because of blurring. I think it is more important to have clear gameplay than half-assed lighting. I understand what you are saying though. I would like the most accurate remake. The lighting would make us feel right at home, but it just ca't be done.
This is not only a well-deserved feature, it is also a momentous occasion! THIS IS FORGEHUB'S 200TH FEATURED MAP! God, we've come a long way. First ever featured map From Last Resort and Valhalla maps to where we are today... Congratz Scarecrow too. Although I didn't play Halo 2 (which I really should because everyone's remaking now), this map looks quite fun and fair. Not much cover though...
I have not downloaded it yet, but this looks absolutely superb. Great job! I have two critiques/suggestions: 1.) I'm really surprised no one has pointed this out yet (at least I haven't seen it anywhere). As it stands now, if you were playing on this map in split-screen mode (anything less than full screen) you would have no indication of which base is which. When playing Warlock/wizard it was already difficult enough to identify their bases even with their subtle color markers, but this one will have NO markers on split screen mode. The orbs are so high above the base that they will never really fall into your normal game-play line-of-sight. The lighting effect from the blue/red orbs completely disappear on split-screen. I would suggest maybe interlocking some of the Column-Blues and Column-Reds into each respective base, and/or to add some overshields/customs hanging over each base. This problem would be a major issue for MLG tournaments, considering that a large amount of games played at their events are split screen. 2.) As someone suggested in your original thread, the main part of each base (where the flag spawns) really could use some columns sticking out of the wall on the teleporter-side of the flags. I'm referring to #2 of 2uix's post here: http://www.forgehub.com/forum/861906-post6.html Seriously though, this map looks awesome. These are merely functional suggestions, aesthetically it looks flawless. I'm impressed.
Well, despite this being a superb remake, and there being next to nothing wrong with it, I can't help noticing that the teleporter alcoves are too wide. Plus there was a perfect oppurtunity to use arches above them, which would not only make it look exactly like the original, but would allow people to do the jump onto the little ledges above the alcoves as they could on Warlock.
Congrats on the Feature, well deserved Winner of Forgotten Treasures. The map is so accurate. I used to play this map a lot on XBL Halo 2, and now it's back for play! Good Job, and thanks a lot!
very nice map. i only think that you map which get to the futured map the whole map should be totally geo-merged and interlocked. Overall it the best remake from warlock yest on sandbox...
Lemons WTF this shits not wonderful its OK dont blow his head up. This remake is OK at the most the one Ive seen 10 times better ones than this *cough* *Archmage* U know wat my B I'm just amazed this got featured lmao good job getting featured.
looks like one of the more higher end remakes of warlock, i dled it from the forgotten tresures because i thought it was amazing. no if i lose the page and delete the map i can look in the feachurz. gratz on that btw. and gratz to us for getting 200 feachurd maps
That's so sweet. The parts you probably didn't like were the bit's done by me, my cat did most of it. Thanks for the download!
I know, I did notice that too, it happens on my map as well. While I appreciate your appreciation (?) for my map, Electron does have its unique elements, being unbreakable one of them. I prefer my remake (obviously), but congratulation for the feature.
AMAZING remake of Warlock. It would also probably be sweet to see remakes of: Boarding Action (One of the halo games) **** Zombies(From Call of Duty: World at War) Verruct (From COD:WAW) Warlords Red Faction for the PS2 if you've ever played it.) THE PIT